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SUDDENLY, KAZUYA HEARD a blood-curdling scream. She whipped her head in that direction and saw a woman approaching two men with a pair of scissors. The woman had long black hair, part of it covering her face. She was wearing a kimono and a mask covered her face.

Then, the woman took her mask off and Kazuya felt a shiver go down her spine.

The woman's mouth was slit from one ear to the other.

Kazuya's eyes widened in realization. Every child had heard of the urban legend at some point and ended up so frightened that their faces hurt for a whole week.


...Then she wanted to laugh. Kuchisake-onna, that's hilarious! That was actually fucking hilarious...because how the fuck would a Japanese urban legend exist in real life, like come on.

Kuchisake-onna was the malicious spirit of a woman whose mouth got slit at the corners in her life. As a result, her spirit goes around lurking for other people as she hides her mouth with a mask and carries scissors. She asks if she's beautiful and, no matter if you answer yes or no, will use the scissors on you.

The woman seemed to speak to the two men. They only screamed in response, shaking their heads no.

Damn, whoever did their makeup is good, Kazuya thought.

The woman raised her scissors.

Kazuya raised her eyebrows. Oh hell no-

Kazuya didn't even feel herself running, but in a matter of instants, she was in between the men and the woman. She kicked the scissors away from the woman, making the metal tool skitter several meters away. The men scrambled out of the way.

"Ma'am you are under arrest for the unlawful use of a weapon," Kazuya stated nonchalantly, as if the restaurant wasn't on fire and the woman didn't just try to harm those two men. "Get down and put your hands up where I can see them."

The woman looked at Kazuya, tilting her neck to the side. "Watashi, kirei?" (Am I beautiful?)

"Put your hands up over your head."

The woman looked at Kazuya with wide eyes and didn't comply with the order. "Watashi, kirei?" she asked again, with a growl in her voice.

Kazuya's eye twitched. "Ma'am, I'm not here to play your cosplaying games. Get down on the ground! Put your hands up! Now!"

The woman flinched and her mouth trembled. "No...?"

"No, ma'am! You're under arrest for resisting arrest and the unlawful use of a weapon!"

The woman breathed heavily, before suddenly making her already-visible grin wider. "Tee-hee!"

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