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"GENIE? I NO understand very good..."

Kazuya hid her hands behind her back to hid the fists that were becoming of them. She dug her nails into her palms. Judging by how hard she was pressing her nails into her skin, she was sure they were drawing blood.

Damn him, Mr. Eguchi! How dare he assign her a role she can't fulfill?! She knew the old coot hated her, but this was too much!

Seriously, innocent naive Korean college student? It was the complete opposite of her!

Innocent and naive? Maybe for the first three years of her life but that was about as long as her innocence had lasted.

Korean? She was Japanese.

College student? She had barely graduated high school.

She relaxed her hands, making a mental note to not get her blood on anyone or anything. The very idea made her skin crawl.

"Have you seen Aladdin?" Gojo asked, leaning on the brick wall.

He had changed clothes. Now he was wearing a white t-shirt, denim jacket, and black sweatpants. He'd even changed his dress shoes to casual running shoes.

To her utter surprise, he had tossed the pile of soiled clothes in the nearest trash bin. As if dumping thousands of dollars of designer clothing was every day for him.

"B-But you wash clothes?" Kazuya had asked, trying to mask her genuine surprise. "V-Very expensive..."

Gojo shrugged. "I can just buy new ones."

That was one of the few times someone had gotten a genuine reaction out of her. Pretending to be a broke college student was the only thing she wasn't acting out.

She was not a college student, but she was most definitely broke.

Kazuya nodded, returning to the present. "I watch Aladdin. You want me as blue and giant?"

"Not blue and not a giant," Gojo said, measuring the top of her head with their height difference. "But I do want you to be my personal genie~"

Kazuya raised an eyebrow. "But...me broke? Me have no money."

"Nothing about money, I assure you~" Gojo said, patting her head. "But I do now have three wishes that you have to grant me."

Says who?

"Unless you want me to report you for trying to harm me intentionally~" Gojo said, shrugging innocently.

The man immediately moved to the top of Kazuya's hit list.

What would Seo Yumi do? Kazuya thought. I could bash his face into the brick wall...but that's not what Seo Yumi would do.

What's the opposite of smashing people's faces into brick walls?

"Don't report me!" Kazuya cried out innocently. "I...I grant wishes."

"Ah, perfect~" Gojo said. "Now-"

"No," Kazuya said, putting a finger in front of her. "Rules."

Just because Seo Yumi was innocent and naive didn't mean she had to be a complete fool.

"Rule 1," Kazuya said. "No mean favors."

Gojo nodded. "Is this like the genie giving Aladdin rules?"

Kazuya nodded. "Rule 2. Nothing involving my body."

Gojo smiled. "Did you think I was going to do something to you~?"

Kazuya ignored him. She wasn't afraid of him doing anything to her. She would take him down before he even had the chance to think of doing anything stupid.

"Rule 3," Kazuya grinned. "Only one wish."

Gojo didn't show the reaction Kazuya wanted. He simply smiled, whereas Kazuya wished he had gawked so she could snap a picture of him.

"Aha~ so you think that's going to work in your favor, huh?" Gojo asked, walking closer to Kazuya. "A rule that's just one wish..."

He closed the distance between them. The alley between the two buildings on campus was empty, and Kazuya couldn't do anything now.

"But that means I need to make sure my wish is really worth it~" Gojo continued. "So I'll be hanging around you until I decide what to do."

Kazuya shrugged cheekily. "Sure! Yumi likes company!"

Oh gosh, please help me get the evidence faster, she thought as she grinned. So I can leave and never have to see these faces again.

Gojo smiled.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll like my company~"


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hmm, wonder what gojo's one wish will be?


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