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She jumped out on her own!

They were over the target balloon, watching it from down below. Kazuya covered her mouth since the view only made her queasier. "Ugh..."

Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up.

Detective Araya looked from the balloon to Kazuya and back to the balloon. "So, uh, we're going to catch the culprit by...um..." Detective Araya sighed. "Dang it! Why did we have to go chase the criminal? We're acting as if there aren't other law enforcement members to take over this! Seriously-"

Detective Araya was cut off by the surprised squeak from the hot balloon operator.

"There's only one thing to do," she heard Kazuya say at the same time. Detective Araya turned to Kazuya and her eyes widened.

Kazuya was wobbling unsteadily from the ledge of the balloon, looking down at the hot air balloon they were hunting down. She looked calm, but her knuckles were white as she clutched the ropes.

Uzai kuso, uzai kuso, uzai kuso...she chanted in her mind.

"Hey! What are you-"

"Catch the criminal," Kazuya casually said.


She let go of the rope. She clenched her abs. She threw herself forward.

And she jumped off the hot air balloon.

Kazuya was flying. No, not flying. More like floating. No, like suspended. In the air. For a second.

And then gravity overtook her.

How did she go from being inside the balloon to falling from the sky?

She jumped! Hah!

Detective Araya's face was one of horror, reaching out to someone who was too far to grab. "HIMURA!"

Okay, don't die, Kazuya thought. Well...too late for that-

The cold wind whipped her hair around and stung her face. But she loved the cold. It was a million times better than a fiery inferno.

She plummeted down. She got closer to the balloon...closer...closer...!

Plop! She landed on the rainbow. The sun was too bright and the colors stung her eyes.

"Hey, I'm alive," she noted, before looking down. She bit her lip, "Not for long, though."

She needed to slide down the hot air balloon if she wanted to get to the people. The thing was, sliding down could very much make her miss her mark...and end up plummetting a couple thousand meters down to planet Earth, before making a swift exit.

"OH NO! OH NO NO NO!" Detective Araya yelled frantically, her words lost in the wind. "DON'T DO IT! STAY RIGHT THERE!"

Uzai kuso...Kazuya chanted in her mind as she began to slide her way down, on her belly. This is hilarious. Hi! I'm Detective Himura, a detective in the DOPI. And I'm sliding down a fucking hot air balloon because some idiot decided that robbing a couple of jewels wasn't enough. Now he wants to kidnap!

Now I'm going to die because of this idiot.

No, you can't die, a small voice told her. If you die then you didn't keep your fucking promise.

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