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"Perfect vision. No kidding," she muttered.

She looked over the test result papers, squinting to try and see them properly. She failed. Her eyes felt uncomfortable, heavy, and dry. Everything was blurry.

I hate getting my eyes dilated, she thought, rubbing her eyes. I even have to wear these stupid dark sunglasses...that have no temples.

She frowned, tossing the dark sunglasses-shaped film into the trash. They would fall off the second she moved a muscle, anyway. She opened the door to leave the building.

And at that moment, she regretted tossing the temple-less sunglasses in the trash.

The light hit her like a truck. She immediately closed her eyes, bowing her head in order to avoid the sunlight. Her eyes began to water and she quickly blinked away the tears.

She used the test result papers to shield her face from the sunlight as she looked up again, frowning and squinting.

...This is why I was never known for being intelligent in high school.

She balled her right hand into a fist, pressing two rings, on her middle and ring fingers, together. It really was a shame she couldn't use her Ph-


She looked up and saw a sleek black car in the parking lot, in front of her. The window rolled down to reveal...


...Gojo Satoru.

Kazuya began to wish that dilating her eyes meant that she just couldn't see at all for a few hours. But, unfortunately for her, she could see the man pretty well.

Is that baby-blue dress shirt the only thing he owns?

"Get in~!" Gojo said, waving her inside the car.

"I don't get into strangers' cars."

Gojo gripped his chest at Kazuya's blunt denial. "Strangers? How can you call me a stranger? We've known each other for so long!"

Kazuya raised an eyebrow. "We've met once. When you dumped coffee on me. That was early last month, I believe."

"Eh? What are you talking about?" Gojo asked, his smile fading. "We went to college together..."

"I didn't go to college-"

"...Seo Yumi," Gojo finished, cutting her off, smirking.

Kazuya wasn't fazed. "Who's Seo Yumi? I think you've got the wrong person."

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