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KAZUYA RANG THE doorbell that belonged to apartment 207. She clutched the folder titled '003' as she waited.

She heard a muffled voice on the other side say, "Ah! Detective Himura!"

The sounds of locks being unlocked followed and the door swung open to reveal Detective Araya smiling.

"I'm so sorry," Detective Araya apologized. "You didn't have to do this."

"No worries. Here is the folder," Kazuya said, handing it to the Detective.

"Thank you," she said, taking it.

Kazuya nodded, bowing. "All right, then. Good night."

"No, wait!" Detective Araya said, holding out her hand. "Wait here. I have to give you something."

Kazuya blinked, before nodding. "Okay."

Detective Araya smiled. "Okay."

She turned around and gently closed the door. Kazuya heard Detective Araya's hurried footsteps down the hallway.

What could Detective Araya want to give me? Kazuya wondered, looking at her hands.

Not a scratch was on her hands.

She heard the footsteps getting louder and she looked up. The door opened and Detective Araya stood there, handing her a closed container.

"This is for you," Detective Araya said.

"No," Kazuya said, taking a step back. "Thank you, but no thank you."

"Take it, Detective Himura."

"I could not possibly," Kazuya said, shaking her head.

To be completely honest, the refusal was just her being polite. Whatever was in that container smelled so delicious that Kazuya wanted to grab it and gobble it up.

"Yes you can," Detective Araya said, taking Kazuya's hands and making them grab the container. "You put this hand here and this hand here...and there you go!"

Detective Araya smoothly stepped back and began closing the door. "Hope you enjoy the drugs! Bye!"

Detective Araya closed the door and Kazuya was left there with the container, dumbfounded. She stared at the container, at the door, and back at the container.

"Um..." Kazuya turned to the door and bowed. "Thank you!"

Drugs for dinner, she thought as she walked out of the building. Yay.


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