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"ARE YOU GOTO Saboru?" Kazuya asked the man sitting on top of the door.

Instead of answering her, he laughed.

"You know, any other ordinary girl would have screamed the second they heard a guy in the girl's bathroom," he said with an easy smile.

"You scare me a bit before...should me scream?" Kazuya asked cutely, blinking her golden-yellow eyes innocently.

"Hmm," he said, leaning forward slightly. "I can think of many ways to make you scream~"

Kazuya resisted the urge to tighten her fist and sock him in the nose. "You make me scream, you in trouble," she said, pointing at him innocently.

"Okay then," he shrugged. "Scream all you want."

Kazuya simply stared at him and didn't open her mouth. Though if she had, it would've been to cuss him out.

He looked at her. "You're not screaming."

Kazuya shook her head as shyly as possible. "No~"

He tilted his head, looking at her through his shades. "Why not?"

"Goto-nim, ah- san! Goto-san help me much!" Kazuya replied as cutely as possible. "He tell me bad people gone!" 

He let out a little laugh. "Ah, it's no problem~"

"No, really!" Kazuya said with a giggle (it made her want to die inside). "Thank you~!"

She hoped off of the toilet seat with an extra bounce in her step and unlocked the door. "Now, if you excuse me~," she said as she pushed the door open to walk out.

Suddenly, Kazuya heard someone let out a yell and a blur of baby blue fall to the floor. A grunt followed as a thump echoed in the bathroom.


Kazuya's eyes widened and panic filled her face. "Oh my gosh~ I am so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't mean to do it-!"

She continued rattling out apologies in Korean as she reached over to lend a helping hand to a groaning Goto on the ground.

"Gomenasai," she apologized anxiously.

His shades didn't even fall off. How is that possible?

"It's okay~" the white-haired man said, waving Kazuya's hand off.

He placed his hands on the ground and kicked himself up like all the men in martial arts movies. He dusted his hands off and smirked at a gawking Kazuya.

"Wow~ so cool~" Kazuya awed the man.

"I know~" he said, leaning on the wall casually. "I can show you other tricks, too~."

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