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KAZUYA FLOPPED ONTO her bed, a heavy sigh leaving her. Out her window, the sun also began to droop in the sky.

What a day.

First, they got kicked out of an aquarium. Then, she couldn't even finish her lunch because some lunatic drove their car straight into the restaurant so the car exploded. As if that wasn't enough, she had to fight a robot...with Gojo.

She stared aimlessly at the ceiling, until she caught sight of a spider. The spider seemed to flinch when her eyes landed on it. With its eight legs moving as fast as they could, the spider sped toward the edge of the ceiling, down the wall, and out the window.

Kazuya gaped at the sight. "I can't possibly be that scary! ...Right?"

She rolled her eyes, laying back down on the bed. She brought up her hand, a small object wrapped around her fingers.

It was a chibi figurine of Misaki Ayuzawa from the anime Maid Sama! They were giving free chibi figurines from the 2010 anime at the movie theater, and Gojo had run to them like a little kid.

He picked out Takumi Usui for him because, "He's perfect, just like me~!"

And he picked Misaki Ayuzawa for Kazuya because they had the same black hair and brown eyes. (Kazuya didn't bother mentioning that she wore colored contacts.)

Kazuya let out a puff of air, raising an eyebrow. "She's not even my favorite character. I like Aoi Hyōdō. He's perfect, just like me~!"

The character really was like Kazuya: he hated adults, kids, studying, teachers, classmates, and had a short fuse.

But someone who seemed to have an even shorter fuse was Head Detective Eguchi. Kazuya had made the mistake of reporting the restaurant disaster to Mr. Eguchi. Not only had she gotten yelled at for putting herself in danger (come on, she was eating when the restaurant exploded!), he had reminded her about a hundred times that she had to take care of her health.

"Your body is going to break down at this rate!" he had yelled at her.

But that didn't remove Kazuya's number one priority: paying off her family's debt. She needed one, just one, more case to take and she would've paid it all off.

One case away from buying all the delicious food she wanted to eat. One step away from moving to a better apartment. One step away from buying the clothes she thought looked appealing. One case away from finally separating away from that family. One case away from being free.

So how could she possibly take a break now-


Kazuya dropped the chibi figuring, her hands flying to her throat. Liquid pooled into the back of her throat, making it hard to breathe. Her stomach churned from a sudden nausea, slightly burning.

She scrambled out of bed, feeling her stomach clenching and hot spit pooling in her mouth. Her feet pattered on the floor in a hurry to the bathroom.

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