Little Haiz

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Hailee is a little / age regressor

Now I know not everyone is into the whole "little" idea but I want people to remember this is a safe place, we don't judge. If you're not a fan of the whole idea, please just skip the chapter.

I love you all <3

INSPO: SkippoRitto



Y/n's POV:

"Haiz, I'm home!" I shout to her, shutting the front door behind me; setting my things down, taking my coat off and hanging it up. Being greeted by both Martini and Brando. "Hi, babies, I missed you!" I say to the two dogs, realising that the owner of these dogs who also own my heart isn't here, I look up after giving them some affection. I stand up, "Haiz? You okay? Where are you?" I call after her, hearing footsteps rushing and see my beautiful girlfriend running down the stairs; smiling widely. I walk to the end of the staircase and she rushes down, jumping into my arms.

"Don't leave me again." I hear her say, sounding upset. Tucking her head into the nape of my neck.

"Aww, I'm sorry, my love." I apologise, smiling widely, she removes her head from my neck with a small pout. "What's wrong, baby? You okay?" I ask her, she shakes her head lightly; resting her head against my forehead, I try to think of what could be wrong and I found out recently that Hailee gets in this little headspace so, I'm wondering if this is her in this mindset.

"Do... Do you promise me that—that you won't judge?" She asks me, I nod my head and walk over to the couch, sitting down and slightly manspreading as I lean back and she stays on my lap.

"Go ahead, talk to me." I tell her, sitting up and taking my suit jacket off, sitting it beside me, I loosen my tie and sigh, leaning back and giving her my full attention. Noticing her fixated on me, smiling as she slouches a little bit, blush creeping onto her cheeks. I notice her go to speak yet she pauses, I notice her try to move closer, as if sitting on my lap wasn't enough; I fix myself and I sit up a little so that she's closer to me, "Talk to me, baby, you okay? Do you need anything?" I ask her, earning a whimper and her arms extending out for me, I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm in..." She pauses, trying to find a way to tell me but I feel like I already know what she's going to say,

"Little space?" I ask her, smiling at how adorable it is to see her so shy and nervous, she nods her head, resting her body against mines. "That's okay, my love." I whisper to her, placing a kiss on her temple, making her smile widely, her eyes lighting up before yawning, "My baby tired?" I ask her, she nods her head, confirming it. I can tell as it seems as if she's fighting to stay awake. I pat her back lightly, I'm not gonna lie, I don't mind this headspace thing, I was confused at first as I've never heard about it but once she explained and I did my own research, I understand it better and I hope to take care of her better than before. I love taking care of her. I put the TV on and turn it down to 4 as I can hear it quite well actually, I'm trying to get through Stranger Things and catch up, I'm season 3 and I have to admit; I love Robin, not as much as I love Hailee but I do love her, she's so funny. I heard her character gets even better in season 4. I place a kiss on her forehead here and there while she naps on my chest.


Hailee wakes up, babbling a little bit as she tries to sit up but struggles, whimpering.

"It's okay, baby, I'm not going anywhere." I assure her, patting her back lightly making her smile.

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