"We will forever be interesting"

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A/N: Emily Dickinson x Reader

Summary: Emily meets another literary woman in her town that has moved there with her sisters and when Emily interacts with her, she realises that it isn't friendship she's after... it's love.




Emily's POV:

I'm sitting in my bedroom, sitting on the chair as I rest my arms on the desk, letting my shoulders fall; starting out at the window in front of me, I notice the lights are on at Sue's place so I can tell that she is probably throwing some type of party since people keep coming in and out of her house. I can't believe it. They finally got married. I still despise that word.



What an awful thing to devote yourself too. I seriously have never heard such a submissive word since men take up so much time and get so annoyed when you aren't devoted to them. It's ridiculous.

I look down at my paper, seeing that nothing's being written. I take a deep breath in, letting my arms flow as I feel a poem stringing in my head, the words connecting as if they have been lost for decades and are finally together once more.

I grin as I begin to write my poem,

Y/n's POV:

I moved here to Amherst a handful of weeks ago, thankfully, I've managed to keep myself alone. Staying focusing on my writing. I'm sitting by my desk, a candlelight right beside me as I begin to write on a piece of paper.

"Y/n?" I hear my name being called by my little sister, I turn around and see Amy.

"Aimes? What're you doing up?" I ask her, standing up and picking up the candle, she sighs and lets her shoulders fall.

"I can't sleep." She mutters quietly, I pull a chair beside me and she sits herself down beside me; I rest my hand in her hair, letting my fingers brush through her hair as I continue to write. "Hm, thank you, Y/n." She thanks me, speaking quietly.

"I'll take you to bed once I'm done here, okay?" I respond to her softly, she nods her head lightly.

"Okay..." She mutters under her breath, taking a deep breath in and out. I continue to write, feeling myself almost release my entire emotions that I feel and have felt all day, into a piece of paper. Which is something that I aways feel so lucky to do.


Emily's POV:

I walk into town with a bucket waiting to be filled with water, as I'm heading in that direction of the well; I notice someone with a beautiful red dress just as my white, walking confidently down as a man I know all too well follows behind.

"Oh, come on, Y/n. You will love it." George expresses intently to the woman walking in front of her, a small scoff falls from her lips.

"I would rather die an old spinster and be on my own, my life of solitude awaits me, George! I can't believe that she would leave just like that, and over a man? She would really give up her own liberty for a man who doesn't know of her talents? It's appalling and degrading." The woman replies to him, glaring behind at him. I look at her; smiling. Intrigued.

"Oh, come on, Y/n. Just let me go with you—"

"—I do not need a man to be my date to a wedding, George—!"

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