Joke gone wrong

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: heartsforbishop

Summary: Y/n makes a self-deprivation joke and Hailee gets mildly concerned.



Hailee's POV:

Me and Y/n are in the middle of an interview for our movie that we're promoting at the minute and I have to admit, we both are aware that we have feelings for one another as we confessed our feelings to each other a couple of nights ago, we're dating! Woo! I have to admit, I really like being with Y/n, she's funny; adorable, got a good sense of style, is really good with kids, kind, loyal, and so much more. I love it.

"So, I heard that you two were definitely the pranksters of the set. Is that true and if so, what stuff would you pull?" The interviewer asks us, we both glance at one another with smiles, Y/n's beautiful smile lighting up the room. I notice myself biting my lip as I hear her talk about certain pranks and laughing making everyone else in the room laugh from how infectious her laugh was.

"Then there was... the one prank where I pretended to be dead and when I scared one of the directors, Hailee came out of nowhere and snuck up behind him, scaring him which obviously made him scream even more which was honestly the funniest thing to witness." She laughs out, smiling widely at the memory.

"Then I managed to sneak into your trailer then when you came in the bathroom, you almost didn't notice me and when I scared you, you just looked at me then screamed." I remind her, she laughs at this and covers her face from embarrassment.

"You were hidden, I didn't know!" She whines out, making me and interviewer laugh while she sinks in her chair before sitting properly.

"But yeah, we... we were definitely the pranksters to each other and everyone else." Y/n answers, nodding her head with a smile.

"And, Hailee, what is it like to be acting alongside America's upcoming Actress of the year, Y/n L/n?" The interviewer asks me, I notice Y/n slightly blush at this and look down a little, fiddling with her ring, I know she does this when she gets a little nervous. I take her hand in mines and she starts to trace random shapes on my arm.

"Uhm, it's—it's definitely amazing, especially since we've been friends for so long, it makes me happy to see she's finally getting the appreciation as well as acknowledgement that me - and her family - think she deserves." I answer, smiling as I feel her rest her head on my shoulder, I place a kiss on her head that she smiles at.

"And Y/n, what was it like to work alongside Hailee?" The interviewer asks me, she sits up and continues to outline little shapes on my wrist.

"It...It was a little bit intimidating at first, with— um, in the sense of working alongside someone so talented, I sort've felt as if I didn't want to mess up so there were times where we'd maybe have to reshoot a scene because I was a little anxious and not exactly getting the right reaction but she's great, she's a great acting partner, was very helpful whenever I felt as things were very overwhelming and... yeah. Just an all-round amazing experience that I'm glad that have been apart of." Y/n answers, I smile at this, awing at how sweet it was.

"Aww, thank you." I thank her, hugging her, she chuckles and hugs me back. We pull away and continue on with the interview.

"All right, Y/n."


"Now, because of your upcoming fame, people have been wondering if it's getting to you with all the paparazzi as well as interviews, can it be a little bothering at times?" She asks her, I notice Y/n try to think of an answer.

"I mean, kind of makes me want to jump of a bridge sometimes." She jokes, laughing lightly. My eyes shoot toward her, my eyebrows furrowing lightly. "I mean, I like to think that I use social media a lot so I don't think my fans are like, 'Oh, we haven't seen you in a while' so, yeah... I don't know about that side and I love interviews, I don't know why, I just like them. Then with paparazzi, I mean... it—it's just getting a little bit bothering, especially with 'fans' who are find out celebrities home address and posts them, it's just ridiculous really." She expresses to the interviewer who just nods her head along while Y/n itches the back of her neck and leans her head back a little before moving her head down and moving her hand back down to her side. "But yeah, the paparazzi can honestly just leave. I hate that side of it. Like, if they are nice, fine. Yeah. Sure. But when they just want my photo cause they know my name, they don't wanna get to know me or anything which is a little bothering and can sometimes mess with peoples heads." She continues onto say, I try to pay attention to what she's saying and agree as I can understand that aspect but I'm still a little worried about her.

"Does it ever get too much?"

"Yeah, sometimes it can feel quite suffocating and isolating to the point where you just want to hide in your room but I love acting and it's what I have to pursue so... yeah. I'll do anything and put up with anything if it means I can act." She answers, I hold her hand tightly and give it a light squeeze, I notice her glance at me and smile at me lightly. I'll have to ask her about her comment after this is done.

"Thanks for this, I really appreciate it." The interviewer expresses,

"Thanks for having us." I thank her, smiling and shaking her hand.

"Yeah, thanks for having us. Have a great day." Y/n wishes to the woman, shaking her hand as we both get up and exit the room, I hold her hand and wait for her to walk alongside me and when she does, I wrap my arms around her arm and rest my chin on her shoulder; she turns to me and smiles widely, "You okay, love? You need anything?" She asks me, her y/e/c eyes looking so perfect in this lighting.

"I'm okay, just a little worried about you. Are you okay?"

"How come your worried?" She asks me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... with what you said. The 'joke'." I elaborate for her, she 'ooh's' at this and faces ahead before turning back to me and placing a kiss on my head.

"Everything is fine, just not used to it so sometimes it's a little nerve-racking, that's all." She dismisses in a soft tone, I bite on the inside of my lip.

"W—Will... will you, um, tell me when you feel like that?" I ask her, she nods her head and continues to smile at me, placing a kiss on my forehead. I grin at this and rest my head on her shoulder and walk to her car as we're gonna go out for lunch; she continuously tells me how she's going to pay no matter how many times I offer, she continues to deny it. However, I am excited for our lunch date together.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now