"Hailee... I can explain"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

I'm kinda excited for this one...

Summary: Y/n and Hailee are newly dating and Y/n is hiding a specific secret from her and when Hailee finds out, Y/n panics and she wonders if she will leave.




Hailee's POV:

I wake up to an empty bed which makes me wondering where my beautiful girlfriend is, I sit up and look around but I'm instantly hit with the smell of food, I hum at this and stretch. Letting myself wake up for a moment before I put her hoodie on and head downstairs to see her cooking. I smile at this and hear her hum along to a song as she flips a pancake over.

"Oh— I didn't know I could do that." She grins out, smiling to herself. She sets it down and jumps up, I notice her heels hit against one another and while she does that, she lets out: "Woo." She breathes out, I grin at this and move behind her. She quickly turns around and points finger guns at me. "Pew, pew." She tells me, before laughing lightly.

"Good morning." I hum out, opening my arms as I walk around and head over to her; she opens her arms for me and I run into them, holding her tightly and close to me. Loving her natural scent.

"Good morning, my love, how are we this morning?" She asks me, smiling brightly. I look up at her and see her beautiful face, with a perfect smile that shines bright, lighting up my day. Now, I think I know why she's like this is because it's supposed to be raining all day and it's super gloomy and foggy then tonight, we're supposed to have a thunderstorm so she's staying tonight as well. She's such a little kid when it comes to cold weather like rain as she adores the rain and I love seeing her getting so excited by the rain.

"I am fantastic yet as much as I love this, I would've loved some morning cuddles." I express to her, she places a kiss on my forehead.

"Well, how about we eat then go brush our teeth then we can go lie in bed and cuddle all day, how does that sound?" She asks me, I nod my head. Humming at the idea as I really like that idea.

"Mhmm, I like the sound of that." I reply, noticing her let out a small laugh. She turns back to the pancakes but still continues to hug me, I move in front of her so it's easier for her. I try to wrap my legs around her waist and koala hug her without distracting her yet she quickly lets the spatula down and helps me. I smile at this and wrap my arms around her neck. Her resting her left hand on my back under my hoodie, her giving me back rubs. Her hands are so warm. She picks up the spatula and checks the pancake. She flips it over and sets it down, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Ooh, where'd you get this hoodie? Looks familiar." She points out with a mocking tone, tugging lightly on the hood. I blush at this and tuck my head into the nape of her neck, making her laugh. "I'm kidding, it looks really good on you. You should keep it." She tells me, I remove my head from the nape of her neck and look at her with a soft smile,

"Really?" I ask her, excitedly. She nods her head, letting out a small hum.

"Yeah, you look hot in it." She replies, looking at me and widening her smile before she lets it weaken as she hears her phone, she pulls out her phone and her face completely falls. "U—Um, can you take over for a moment? I need to answer this?" She asks me, letting me move down. I nod my head, looking at her worriedly.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her, she nods her head and answers, walking away from me. Standing by the window in the living room yet I can still hear her. "Hey, is everything okay?" She asks, she's silent for a couple of seconds, "Dude, you literally said you'd take her for the weekend, what do you mean 'change of plans'?" She questions, I set the pancake onto a plate then pick up the pan and move it to the back, I turn the thingy that I can't remember the name of and then turn the cooker off. I try to subtly listen in, "Yes, I know, but I just thought— fine. Fine, since you're such an asshole, I'll do— no, don't try to turn this on me, you son of a bitch." She argues, I turn to her and lean against the counter, crossing my arms. I wonder why she's so angry? What happened? "Oh, my god, yes. I'm on my way! Shit, do you fucking mind having a little bit of patience?" She asks into the phone, walking over, "Fuck, I mean can I at least eat my breakfast?" She asks, waiting for a few seconds. "Oh, glad you'll allow me to do something. Right, bye." She quickly hangs up and sighs, heading over to me. She hesitantly walks over, "I—I don't think I'll be able to stay tonight..." She admits, shyly. I let my shoulders fall and unfold my hands.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن