MI6 Agent's Lover

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Summary: Y/n is on a mission for the MI6 and bumps into a certain protégé of a friend of hers.

INSPO: American Assassin and James Bond Skyfall

Thank you for 9k! I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for all the support from everyone <3



Y/n's POV:

I'm at the shooting range and put the headphones over, I grab a 9mm Combat Operator and check the safety and see if there's any bullets in it, I change out the mag and put it in, I look around to see people staring, I know why but I don't like their eyes on me, I clench my jaw and the gun before pointing at the wooden body where the target was, I shoot the first shot that lands right on the head without even trying; I shoot the guy in the head that was on the left of me as I absolutely hate him, I then turn back to mines and take a shot at the body before at the heart then at the head again, grinning slightly before shooting once more but with my eyes closed to see that it went right through the head.

I look around again and people are staring at me, I huff at this and once the gun is reloaded, I shoot every bullet that was in the mag at each of their targets before taking my headphones off and setting my gun down, I feel a tap on my shoulder and pull my pocketknife out of my back pocket and quickly kick the gun out of the person's before turning around to see one of my colleagues,

"Nice seeing you too, Agent L/n." Agent Parker greets me with his cocky smile, I roll my eyes at this and sigh. Removing my pocketknife against his neck, putting it back in my back pocket. He was my MI6 partner in the field when I was working on a Mission, took me 2 months to just allow them to trust me before another 4 months went by with reporting back to my boss and we finally got it down until at the last second. Parker shot at the wrong guy. I still don't trust that asshole.

"I'm assuming Ma'am needs me?" I assume, Agent Parker nods his head.

"Yes, Ma'am." He tells me, smartly. I roll my eyes and budge past his shoulder; leaving the range as I head through the offices and make my way toward the main office as we're all underground. I knock on the door fixing my shirt.

"Come in." I hear my boss, Elizabeth, call on me. I open the door and quickly shut it behind me, "Ah, Agent L/n. I'm glad you're here." She tells me,

"Well, I was avoiding this. So, can it be quick?" I question, sitting down in front of her. She grins at this, giving me a slight glare.

"I have a mission for you, I need you to go to New York." She informs me, I tilt my head in confusion.

"New York?"

"It's what I said, yes." She confirms, I tut at this and click my tongue, looking out the window as I ping the little bell she has on her desk that she moves away. I glare over at her before grinning, leaning my arms on her desk.

"I think you're forgetting something." I hum out, grinning ear-to-ear.


"You grounded me." I say sarcastically, with a small pout as I cross my arms. Leaning back in my chair, she rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "But does this mean I'm ungrounded?" I ask, hoping that I am as I haven't been on a mission in 2 months. Something that has been torture. Yet it's the reason why so many people seem to love my presence.

"Yes, you are ungrounded. Here is the case file." She informs me, handing me over the casefile. I take it from her and set it down on my lap as I hear her start to talk again: "I want you to protect a girl, there has been reason to believe she is tied to Clint Barton, the Tracksuit Mafia and a Black Widow Assassin seems to be after her."

Hailee x Reader one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora