Defending Charlie

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader

Requested by: jbmarvel007

Summary: Charlie feels pressured at the jump cliff and Y/n defends her even though they don't know each other but they bump into one another a lot.



Charlie's POV:

I start to drive up the hill, not expecting anyone but I slowly start to hear music and people cheering,

"What is going on here?" I ask, looking around while I continue to drive up the hill.

"That's Jim from sixth period." Memo answers, he chuckles for a moment before his face unsettles, "He said he was busy this week." He continues on to say, I continue to drive and try to find a place to park, "You want to check it out?" He asks me, I park my car and hear Memo speak up: "This is pretty cool." He chuckles out,

"Okay." I let out, "Bee, we'll be right back." I inform him, hoping he doesn't do anything to get us into trouble. "Don't do anything crazy." I continue on to tell him, I get out and hear a guy speak.

"Hey, everybody, come watch! Tripp's gonna jump!" I hear him shout, trying to gather a crowd. I shut the door,

"You're off your nut!" A girl shouts before laughing and giggling to her friends, I roll my eyes at this and look over to see Tripp by the edge of the cliff,

"What's going on over there?" I hear Memo ask, I shrug, looking over at him before turning back to Tripp.

"Don't do it, dude, you're crazy." Another woman shouts to Tripp, how does he know so many people? I haven't even seen half of these people at school.

"Come on, it's not that big a jump." I hear Tripp rebuttal to the protest as he takes his jeans off, dumping it in his friends arms.

"God, is that Tripp Summers?" I let out, Memo nods his head.

"Oh, you kn—know Tripp?" He asks me,

"I mean, yeah. I spilled a gallon of lemonade on him once." I answer, turning to Memo, earning a snicker from him with a wide smile. Before turning back to Tripp.

"Doesn't anyone have the balls to jump off this thing with me?" He shouts, looking around as he tries to find someone to join him. I feel myself get pushed and look to see Bee shut the door, what did I say?! "Ah!" He exclaims, "A brave volunteer." He grins out, pointing toward me. Everyone looking at me in confusion, even Memo.

"Yeah, I... see, I didn't... um, no, that—that wasn't.... I didn't do that. I didn't actually..." I hear the radio turn on from Bee and he starts playing a song, I groan at this, trying not to be too embarrassed right now. I turn to Bee after glancing at Memo and turn around to Tripp. He strides toward me,

"Hey, I know you." He grins out,

"Uh... No, yeah, um, sorry about... about that. It—"

"You were on the dive team with my little sister." He reminds himself, yet speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear. "I saw you win state a couple years ago." He continues on to say, my eyes widen at this for a moment before I shake my head.

"Oh, no, I... okay, well, yes, that was me. But, um, no... no... I don't..." I see him look at me confused, "I mean I do! I do! I do still... sometimes anyway but—but not, um..."

"Ladies and gentlemen." He announces, turning around to everyone. "This just got a whole lot more interesting. We have a championship high-diver on our hands!" He exclaims excitedly, everyone cheering as he begins to clap.

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