Wanted and Desired 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


I'm glad that people want more of this as I've been working hard on this book for a while but it's had a lot of stops and starts, so, if there is more, just know. I'm working hard on it, almost at page 40, I think. 

I hope you all enjoy <3



Kathleen's POV:

I sit in my chair, waiting for my father to finish packing up and I make a start on my homework, we both sit in silence as I don't exactly get along with my dad very well, he's quite pushy and very hard on me, always wanting me to do my best; there was this one time, I got an 87% and he shouted at me as I normally get 90s. He shouted at me for being distracted but I know that any teenager my age would be wanting to get the grades I get, he should be happy for me, yet he continues to push me, and I don't think I've ever heard him utter the words, 'I love you' or 'I'm proud of you'. He makes it seem like it's forbidden. I normally just talk to my mother or no one at all, I barely leave my room anyway, only when it's dinner and we all have to sit around the table but then again, that's simply just awkward because no one talks. My brothers try too, yet they normally just get told off as they always talk with food in their mouth. It's not a surprise that they don't have girlfriends. It's quite funny actually, I really do love my brothers but sometimes they do very questionable things.

"So," I hear my father start, I look up at him, "you and Miss Steinfeld got along." He acknowledges, I nod my head.

"She seems like a nice girl, father." I reply, he sighs at this and looks over at me. Staring me down which scares me a little. He gets up and heads toward me, sitting on the desk in front of me.

"Will she be a distraction?" I shake my head at this, I can't have a distraction. "Good. Because if there are distractions—"

"There will be bad grades," I finish for him, he grins at this. "yes, father, I know. You tell me all the time." His grin quickly fades away at these words and his eyebrow arches into concern. I shy away at this and look down at my work, bouncing my leg as I tend to do that when I'm nervous. I don't mean too, it's just a habit. "What did I say about that stupid ring, take it off." He tells me, gripping my hand and taking it off of me then gets up and heads toward his desk, I quickly stand up.

"No, dad! Dad, please—!"

"Kathleen." He tells me sternly, turning to me. I sit down and decide to do my work while I try my hardest not to cry; the ring's important to me as it was the only thing my gran gave to me, my father despises it as he doesn't like my grandmother. I really like that ring. It's so important to me as my gran always gave the best advice to me whenever I needed it, she didn't find anything shameful and I feel as if I have the ring, I have my connection to her when I really need it. I always go to her grave to see her every two weeks on the Sunday. It just makes me feel a little happier and comfort. Although, she's no longer with us, I always like to keep her filled in on what's going on.

About an hour later, I'm walking around town as when I got home, I immediately grabbed a book then left with my Walkman, my headphones over my ears as I listen to music and watch people walk along the streets, looking for somewhere nice to sit. As I head down the street, I look to see Millstone's new bookshop. I've heard a few things about this bookshop, that it has a café, on one of the floors it has a radio station, it sounds... nice. I decide to head inside and turn my music down in case anyone around me can hear it as that would be awkward and move my right headphone behind my ear. I look around, welcoming the smell of books that I enjoy and excite me so much.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant