New Lover

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Summary: Nadine and Erwin are falling apart and when she becomes friends with a certain person, Nadine worries that they are going to fall apart like her and Erwin yet she continuously proves herself. Especially when Nadine confesses her feelings after a heart-breaking break-up.

I'll tell you when to play.

Thank you so much for 1k! You guys are honestly amazing <3 I really appreciate all the love and support <3



Nadine's POV:

This is a mess, this is such a mess. I thought things were getting better for me but... I'm not so sure. I don't know. It just feels like... I've sorta lost this connection that used to be there with Erwin and everything felt good before we were dating and now that we are. It just seems a little... wrong.

"Oh! Did you see that? Did you see that?" Erwin asks me, I look over at him and return the smile that he had wide on his face.

"No! I missed it!" I complain, he groans.

"I'll do it again at the next hole." He tells me, I nod my head.

Right now, we're at Tim's Fun Park playing Mini Golf, I mean who doesn't love Mini Golf? Or Tim's Fun Park! It's the best to go to whenever your bored, it's even better when they keep it open longer than expected. Plus, sometimes going at night is better, less busy, there won't be screaming kids so you can just relax and enjoy the quietness, sure you might bump into a few teenagers but they're probably just bored and wanting to have fun the same way as me and Erwin.

"Nadine?" I hear Erwin ask me, I turn to him,


"Can I ask you something?" He asks me, my eyes widen at this. I always hate it when someone asks me that or texts me randomly saying that. I mean, I have nothing to hide but it just panics me as— "Nadine?" He asks me,

"Yeah? Yeah, what's up?" I ask him, his shoulders fall lightly and he thinks for a moment.

"Do you ever, like, worry over what's ahead of you? Like what the future has planned for you?" He asks me, I glance over at him before facing ahead and nod my head.

"Uh, yeah, a little. I mean," I sigh lightly, "I'm always a little terrified of relationships. Especially with my non-existent history." I say, trying to make a joke but he just looks at me. "T—That was a joke."

"Oh! Oh, sorry." He apologises,

"No, it's okay."

"I'm sorry, stupid me." He laughs out nervously, I laugh along. Both of us just facing ahead and not saying a word till we arrive at the 4th hole. (I know what your thinking.... little dirty minded bitc— I'M KIDDING!)


I'm at school right now and I'm trying to find Erwin but I don't know where he is, he isn't answering my texts or calls; I head into art and try to find him but I see this girl in this classroom talking to a teacher.

"I have no friends— I mean I do, but no real true friends, you know? Like everyone thinks that I'm popular just because I'm captain of the basketball team but the only reason why people want to get with me or be friends with me is because they'll gain something! I mean come on! Everyone out there is just—just so boring! They don't even know what the real world is like as they are too busy going out with friends, giving blow jobs—"

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