Competition Awaits the Cursed

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A/N: Kate x Reader 

This is an idea that I have for a story that also has major inspiration from Maze Runner and Throne of Glass (If you've read throne of glass, no spoilers for me please ahah)

Summary: Y/n arrives not knowing her name or anything apart from knowing that she can fight. When she finally calms down and does a bit of training in this sort've dream-like town, she's shown a competition that she puts herself in.



Y/n's POV:

I wake up gasping as I felt a tight grip around my throat, like someone had a tight grip on my neck, choking me, waiting for me to die in a slow but painful way. I start to cough, trying to catch as much air that I can to inflate my lungs as normal. When I open my eyes, noticing the brightness hit my eyes, I hiss at such a sudden thing. As if everything had happened at once. Like I had been reborn but knew how to talk and the basic things. I groan, when I feel myself stumble while I attempted to stand up and get to my feet. Trying to move back, I try to catch my breath, hoping to still inflate my lungs, it was as if I hadn't breathed air in years and this was my first chance to finally breathe in so long. I didn't take a second of it for granted. I see someone move right in front of me, I flinch and try to move away, however failing to do so as my back hits against some sort've stone wall.

"Hey! Back off!" I shout to the person in front of me, I try to look for some quick escape only to see that there were many, many people surrounding me and this one boy. Earning laughter from everyone around me, I choose to ignore this outburst of amusement, so, I look at the boy in front of me, he was wearing black cargo pants, black boots and a long-sleeved blue t-shirt that's sleeves rest at his elbows. He stares me down for a moment, his eyes scan my entire body. "What's happening?" I inquire, in a much softer tone. I wait for answer, yet that moment never comes to me. He grabs my arm, getting me to my feet quickly. I try to fight out of it yet struggle as he continuously trips me up making me fall to the ground, "Hey, back off—! Back off!" I shout at him, nudging him back but he wraps his arms bring me into sort've a bear hug, to stop me from my escape. He pulls me toward him, yet I move my left hand out of his grip and punch him. He retracts his arms, unravelling them from my body. He quickly rests his hands on where I punched. I kick him in the stomach. I grab his arm and make him flip onto the ground over my back as I leaned down. I rush toward a corner of the people around me, push out of the way and simply run. I run straight ahead. As fast as I can. I begin to hear chants of 'New girl!' as if they were celebrating, jogging toward me and cheering; I continue to run, noticing that there was this sort've town, I try to push that out of my thoughts. This isn't the time. This isn't the time to be distracted! I take a quick left, I glance back. They follow. I turn back ahead, I continue to run, as fast as I can; still being cheered on which makes me groan in annoyance. I take a sharp right and see a ladder, I climb up on top of the building. Seeing people cheer.

"Woo, she's fast! I like her!" I hear someone shout, I ignore it however, I need to get away from these people. I jump onto the building across, there were jump-able gaps apart from the last one. This one really needed a big run up however, I know I have enough speed to make it, yet I'll have to roll. I take a quick breath. I rush toward and jump, letting out a yelp. I hear people gasp. Notice a few pointing at me. My body lands, crashing on the ground. I roll before pushing myself off, using my hands to dust off my t-shirt. I hear cheers. I slide down, landing on top of a dumpster to see people on either side. What the hell is going on? I climb back up the ladder, and one girl reaches for my leg; I quickly launch myself forward. Making her hand just miss my foot. I hum at this, and hover my head over, sending her a smile. Before I move back, letting myself gain some speed from the run-up as I need to jump. I need to get out of here, fast. Before I think about it, I feel a hand wrap around my neck, I use my right elbow, hitting the person's stomach. They let go of my neck, I kick them back but grab their hand as they were going to fall off, I don't want to kill. I chuck them away in the other direction, they slide before stopping. That'll leave a bad scrape. I decide to jump down as I noticed they thought I was doing the run-up. I climb down on a ladder that was on the side of the person I just chucked, then sprint as fast as I can away. I run through the town. Rushing past people. Noticing others push through big crowds. I glance back while I take a right yet see no one; I turn around to feel myself fall to the ground immediately. I open my eyes once again and I see the person who knocked me down. I see a girl with raven hair, blue eyes, a red short-sleeved t-shirt with black joggies and black boots. She smiles at this.

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