mass effect oc 2

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Snar, he takes after his father (saren) more with his facial looks and bascially all over colors even though his none plating skin is more of a mixed between the colros from his mother and father. also his markings is a light blueish green color and like his sister Tarifa (another oc of mine) his face markings don't really mean anything their just random. His main armor is dark grey light grey some dark green and drk blueish grey in there. He is mostly the stubborn take this serious guy but he does have a smart mouth to him and is a smooth talker, gets a little warry and on guard when you first meet him but is actually a big over protective softy who loves to cuddle and complement his lover

 Three years older then Garrus




Has interest in mainly humans and turians but humans mostly

Half biotic

Part of the Victus and Arterius family

Very good with guns and hand to hand combat 

Very good with guns and hand to hand combat 

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Voice claim

Voice -Michael buble
Singing voice -Michael buble

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