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I wake up to nausea. I quickly get up from the bed and run to the toilet,immediately after getting on my knees I vomit my stomach out. Nokuzotha walks in as I worship the porcelain like a God.
"Hey are you okay?" She asks softly.
A very beautiful question but I can't answer as a second wave of nausea hits me. If I ever drink again it will be too soon. Nokuzotha holds my hair back and brushes my back smoothly as I vomit my guts out. After about twenty minutes it stops. My whole body is feeling numb,it's because of not eating I think to myself.
"Can you please help me" I whisper to her as I struggle to get up from the floor.
"Sure" she says holding me up and balances me as we walk back to my bed.
She helps me sit on the bed and I smile seeing the tray of food on the table. She looks at me and smiles back.
"I thought you might be hungry" she says handing it to me.
My mouth waters at seeing the pasta with mince drizzled with chilli. I dig in like I haven't seen food in years.

"Ndiyabulela sisi"(Thank you sister) I say as I put the tray on the table and drink my juice,after devouring my meal.
"Are you feeling alright now?" She asks.
I nod my head with a smile.
"It was the alcohol and not eating so my body overreacted" I say chuckling. She does the same and keeps quiet.
I know she wants to say something so I will let her say it when she is ready. I look up to my window and it's dark outside. Exactly how long did I pass out,looking at the digital clock it reads 23:00pm. I pop my eyes out in surprise,yeah no more alcohol for me.
"Where is Zano?" I ask.
"They went out with the guys talking about fixing lose ends" she says shrugging.
I feel my blood go cold as she says that. Maybe they have found the killer and they are going to kill him also.
"Is that why you are worried?" I ask.
She nods her head and let's out an exhausted sigh. I move to where she is sitting and envelope her in a hug. I understand why she feels this way.
"They asked everybody to stay here for the night and I mean everybody!That is why Zano freaked out when they came back and you were not here" she says laying her head on my lap.
I feel embarrassed now. It means everybody saw the state I was in and they are probably gossiping about how ratchet I am and not fit to be Zano's wife. Well I guess they are right because I never will be. Something deep is going on here,meaning that the killer is targeting the entire Zulu family but why though?
"You look exhausted get some sleep and I will take care of the kids okay?" I say to her as I get up from the bed.
She nods her head and positions herself in a sleeping position.

I wreak of alcohol so I decide to take a shower. When I'm done I dry myself,lotion and put on a skirt with a long sleeve top. As I apply my night cream the vision of Zano laying in a pool of blood and me holding him while I cry plays out. Instantaneously  feel sharp pains on my lower abdomen.
"AH!" I scream as I clutch on to my tummy.
I don't want to wake Zotha up she needs to rest,I hope she didn't hear me. I get sink down to my knees still clutching on to my stomach and pray.
"Father God I come to you tonight to thank you for keeping this beautiful family safe and all those that are close to me. Father I ask you to please lay an extra hand on Lwandle I know he does bad but he is also a pillar of strength to all of us..." as I continue praying the pain on my abdomen lessens until it's no more. Its like i was supposed to pray,the pain was reminding me of that. When I'm done I get up and brush my teeth. I walk to the bedroom and put on my slippers. I cover Nokuzotha with a throw and head out with the tray she brought.

On a normal day everybody would be asleep right now but since whatever is happening I can hear noise and laughter coming from downstairs. I bump into Gogo in the passage way.
"Ukuphi uNokuzotha?"(Where is Nokuzotha?) She asks.
"She is sleeping Gogo are the girls okay?" I ask.
"Jah ngiceda ukubalalisa"(yes I just put them to bed) she says.
"Ubaba ukhona?"(is baba here?) I ask.
She nods.
"In his study" she says taking the tray from me and walks downstairs.
I walk over to baba's study not even sure of what I want to say. As I'm about to knock the door opens.
"Hawu! Makoti wavele wama nje emnyango?"(...why are you just standing at the door?) He asks slightly surprised.
"Uhm...baba ukuphi uZano?"(...Where is Zano?) I ask in one breath.
I'm hoping he knows their every move and that he is okay where he is. He smiles at me.
"Basendleleni ungakhathazeki"(they are on their way don't worry) he says as he walks with me downstairs.
I let out a sigh of relief. God you are great!

Zenande OkhethiweyoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang