Insert 4

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Oblivious to what is happening to me,the girls continue with their conversation talking about how Im always rude to guys that approach me.

He stands up,takes his phone from  the table and slowly strides in our direction putting his long legs into full view man this guy looks like heaven,I can feel my jaw dropping and the guys all go quiet looking at him. He is still looking at me with those bewitchingly beautiful eyes,I'm starting to feel hot all over my body,I think the air conditioner in this place is also affected by him,I mean he is just that hot.

His phone must have been ringing because he answers it
"Baby.... Jah ngiyeza....ngithe ngiyeza!"
and walks past our table without even looking back. I feel like I'm suffocating,I start to hyperventilate and I can't see clearly,I feel a huge lump in my throat fighting to be let out,I get up from my chair and run towards the door,Rea and Buhle closely run after me as I get out of the door I hear Siphephelo shouting Buhle's name.

When the wind hits my face I realize that it's also hot I feel like I'm a chicken being roasted, I start crying balancing my hands on my knees,Rea keeps rubbing my back in smooth circles,after a minute or two I feel a bit better and stand up straight,anybody who is watching from afar would swear I just got dumped.
Rea:"What happened?"
Me:"I...I..." my throat is dry and my chest is on fire "I don't know" I manage to say and massage my forehead with my fingertips. Buhle comes out carrying a glass of water "Thatha it will help"(take) she says as she gives me the glass,I gulp half of it down and slowly exhale as I feel the cold water extinguishing whatever fire that was in my chest.
Buhle:"Let me request an Uber,we gotta go back it's getting late anyway" she says as she taps on her phone.
Rea:"I will get our stuff and settle the bill" she takes the glass from me and goes back inside.

"Buhle who are those people?",i ask. I turn to look at her,I have been concentrating on the wall,if only eyes could dig then that wall would now have a hole in it.
Buhle:"King Mbhekiseni's two sons and their friends" she says giving me a weak smile.

The only kings I know are overseas,that can't be right these guys look like ordinary people shouldn't they have crowns or body guards or something that yells royalty?
"Intoni? Do kings even exist in this day and age?"(What?) I say faking a laugh that comes out forced.
Buhle chuckles "Yep they still do very much exist back home,they are referred to as Chiefs they still rule over their villages and take care of their people's needs."
Me:"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Buhle:"Hhayibo Zee! Was I supposed to say oh by the way guys I come from a village,Inkosi uBab' Zulu uneyiNkosana ezimbili uSiphephelo noZanothando kanye neNkosazana uMinenhle during my introduction?"(...King Zulu he has two princes, Siphephelo and Zanothando and one princess named Minenhle) she asks popping her eyes out and looking pissed,okay that was a dumb question but what just happened in there?

Maybe books are finally driving me crazy. Rea comes back just as our ride arrives,we all get into the backseat I guess they just want to make sure I don't feel alone. As the restaurant slowly disappears from sight I realize how much I really miss home,I wish I was in my mother's arms right now she would make me understand what just happened. Maybe my body recognises that they are royalty or something.

When we get to the flat I just throw myself on the bed,Buhle grabs a chair from my study desk and Rea sits on the corner of the bed.
Rea:"What happened in there Zee do you perhaps know that guy from somewhere?" she says looking at me softly like she doesn't want to scare me,He is a Prince! How can I know him maybe I have high blood pressure I should go to the clinic tomorrow and get checked out.
Me:"Nah I don't know him I didn't even know his name or that he is some prince until Buhle told me."I say shrugging
Rea:"Prince?"she says looking at Buhle totally confused.
Buhle:"Jah Prince Siphephelo who she rudely spoke to",she says pointing at me "and Prince Zanothando the one who made her give us a scare" she chuckles. Wow I'm glad that this is amusing apha kuye.(To her)
Rea:"Oh! I have heard of Zano,Mr CEO at NoZulu Tradings and owner of multiple restaurants and clubs,my cousin once did an internship there,I just didn't know that beautiful face of his."she says shrugging. Seems like everybody knows him except me maybe I'm living under a rock,I must have been deep in my thoughts because I hear Rea say "So are you gonna tell us?"looking impatient she must have been asking for a while now.
Me:"Jonga neh andazi kwenzeke ntoni but I remember ndijonga emva ndifuna ubona uSiphephelo ukba wenza ntoni then my eyes landed on that guy and then everything froze in hell. It was like I'm on fire and after he passed our table it was only then that I realized I'm burning."(Honestly I don't know what happened but I remember looking back to check on Siphephelo...) I say and loudly exhale,now I feel better getting this madness out of my head.
Both of them:"Huh! YOU HAVE A CRUSH" they say while giggling,If it is a crush I would know,it doesn't mean I'm that dumb,this feels different.I feel crazy maybe the guys think I'm a freak of some sort.
Buhle:"Goodnight lovies and wena dream about that snack of yours."she says winking at me and we laugh trust her to classify people as snacks,I guess maybe it's not that serious. Rea locks the door "Goodnight babe,get some rest" she says sweetly and switches off the lights.

Maybe they are right it's just a silly crush on a handsome man I don't know,maybe he uses uVelebahleke(Vodoo to lure girls) you can never trust these Zulu guys and maybe it worked on me and triggered side effects in the process, because if it was a crush then I would know,I have had plenty of crushes on celebrities. I let my thoughts usher me into sleep and hope that tomorrow this entire thing will at least make sense.

Zenande Okhethiweyo जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें