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"I went back to work but when I got there got there nobody was at he house including the guards. I asked the neighbors what was happening and they told me that the house was sold two days ago. Luckily I knew where one of the guards lived so I went there and unfortunately he confirmed what I was told. He gave me money and told me that Leonardo had paid us for the entire year including bonuses." She says chuckling.
My poor mom,she looks sad. I look at Leonardo and he has a straight face but his eyes tell a different story. You can tell that he blames himself for her sadness.
"I came back home and I bought this house with that money and took Nolu to school. It was a lot of money so it covered a lot of things and then I saved up the money that was left. After a month or two I found out I was pregnant with you,I decided right then and there that I would give you two my all,you wouldn't need a father. You are a symbol of our love." She says smiling with glassy eyes.
"You did a great job mama" I say hugging her.
"The day before you were born my mother passed away before she passed she said that your name is Zenande because that's her last wish for the family to grow. And that's what you did sanalwam you added to our happiness and family."
"You named me Karina?" She nods.
She is a typical Xhosa woman so I expected her to be the one that named me but where does the other name come from? Maybe Karina was a favourite actress or singer.
"Leonardo had always told me about how he wished to have a daughter one day but all those dreams were shattered because of his divorce. He once told me that he would name her after a few names but I remembered Karina from the list because I also loved it. So I decided to name you after that since you are his dream come true." She says gulping down the rest of her water.
Wow! That's one beautiful story,I know I won't get that but I wish to see them as a couple they must have been the cutest.
"How did you find us?" I ask Leonardo.

"We do business with NoZulu Tradings so this other day I saw Zanothando's status update on WhatsApp,you looked like our aunt who has passed on whom I was also told I look like her,she was dad's twin sister. I thought that maybe you are her daughter and the family never knew about you so I did some digging on you. When I found out about your mother that's when I headed to our father with the information and that led us to being here today." Diego says.
"You had me followed" I state instead of asking.
"I'm sorry I did that I really am but I had to get everything I can about you and that was the only way I could do that." He says looking remorseful.
I can't believe all of this. I mean yes I hate the fact that he followed me around that made me feel like I was going crazy but right now I can't even be angry at him because yesterday I didn't even know any of them and today by the grace of God I have met them. I'm truly happy and it feels like a dream.
"So what happens now?" I ask.
I hope we can be able to build a relationship but I will totally understand if they don't want me as part of their family even though it would break my heart but it will be alright eventually at least I know them.
"I never got the chance to be there for you when you were born until now so I would like to have that chance. I know I can't erase all those years without me but I want to be here for you for the rest of my life,like your mom said you are my dream come whenever in a day have I ever thought I would have a beautiful baby girl like you." Leonardo says looking at me with glassy eyes.
This man has this strong aura but here he is showing me this sensitive side that I'm sure the world doesn't know. I stand up without thinking and my feet carry me to Leonardo. I sit on his lap like a little girl,I rest my head on his shoulder and cry my eyes out. I'm not crying because I'm sad but because I'm happy I never thought that this day would come,I'm really over the moon. He rests his chin on head and rubs my back until I stop being a crybaby. I feel safe in his arms,I feel loved and it feels like home. I look at my uncle and this big man is crying and that's the same for everybody else except Diego and Leonardo.

I remove my head from Leonardo's shoulder and squeeze myself between him and my uncle. I hold each of their hands in mine.
"Okay we are ditching the tears now." I say giggling and they chuckle.
"I'm more than happy to have you guys in my life,Dad this was also my dream right here to sit next to you one day,for you to hold me like you just did and now I have that." I say.
He looks at me smiling from ear to ear he then hugs me. I guess it's because I called him dad.
"Your mom has already explained everything that we have to do traditionally in honour of the Nododile family since they have raised you but that's if you want to be a part of our family. We wouldn't blame you if you wanted nothing to do with us." My uncle says looking serious.
"When and I we do It? I can't wait uncle don't stress." I say giggling and squeezing his hand to reassure him. We all plan on when the Rosso family will come pay Inhlawulo(damages) and all that is required for the ceremony. My dad insists that everything should be done before Christmas because he wants me to he his little girl officially. My mom and aunt cook while we catch up,Diego asks me how I know Zano. I tell him that he is my boyfriend and he tells me that Zano's girlfriend is Duduzile Buthelezi from what he knows. I explain to them that me and Zano have a soul tie and that I'm the woman chosen by his ancestors for him. My dad really doesn't understand this.
"He once told me about that but I thought he was going crazy" Diego says while laughing. Me and mom try to make them understand me and Zano's situation all through lunch. In the afternoon they decide to take their leave after I hijacked them into a mini family shoot. I walk them out and wave until I can no longer see their cars from view. I finally feel at peace.

I find my mom sitting in the kitchen with her phone in her hands. She looks worried.
"Ktheni mama? Yintoni?" I ask her.
"Awundiqumbelanga?" She asks with a sad face.
"Asoze" I say giggling and she laughs.
She calls my uncle Mandla while I make diner,my uncle's assures her that they will be here on Thursday to prepare everything for Saturday.
I dish up for us,I made Umphokoqo namasi,my favourite. Since it's only mama and me,it means more for me. Nolunwabo is probably at some shebeen drinking some man's money and Asemahleis at her dad's house.
After eating my mom washes the dishes while I take a bath.

After wearing my pyjamas I check my phone,I didn't get a chance to look at it the entire day. There are 6 missed calls from Zano and one from an unknown number,well if they were serious they would have called again so it must be a wrong number. I call Zano.
"Themba lami" he says sounding sleepy.
"Hi baby did I wake you?"
"Cha mama ngikhathele nje,I need a massage from a certain special set of hands." I giggle.
This man has a way with words.
"Shesha ubuye so I can give it to you Mr Special." He laughs softly.
Gawd his laugh is so soothing and calming. I wouldn't mind hearing it for the rest of my days.
"Konke kuhambe kahle namhlanje?" He sounds nervous.
"You knew didn't you?"
I'm sure he is the one who gave Diego information about me.
"Hhayibo mama sengaba yiGoogle mina?" I laugh out loud.
"Ihaba baby! Diego told me about me followed and I know that you found out when you confronted the guy who was following me that's when my brother told you everything." I say sounding so sure you would swear I was there when this happened.He laughs out loud.
"Why ungavele ube yiPrivate Investigator sthandwa sami? Phela your talent is going to waste kwiMedicine." He says and it's my turn to laugh.
"Yes Diego told me but it wasn't my place to say anything this is an issue for the Rosso and Nododile family I didn't want to mess it all up and involve myself. I trust Diego so I helped him where I can and I knew you be okay with him around,he cares about you they all do." He says.
I don't know why my heart started dancing after his last sentence,I smile and we chat for a while until he tells me he has paperwork to finish off.
"Ulale kahle ntombenhle" I blush.
"Thank you for coming into my life Zulu,without you my family wouldn't have found me. You continue showering me with happiness Mageba and it's so surreal. You were a stranger a month ago but now you are the highlight of my life. Ngiyabonga Ndabezitha."
He remains silent for a while and I know he is digesting everything I just said.
"Akukho okungeke ngikwenze for wena Sthandwa Sami injabulo yakho yiko okusemqoka kumina. Yimina onenhlanhla ngokubusiswa ngomuntu onjengawe MaNyawuza."
He sounds so sincere that I feel my eyes water up,I sniff and he laughs.
"Ncese Sthandwa ungakhali." I giggle.
"Mina? Khala? Asoze!" We both laugh.
"Iyak'thanda indoda uyezwa?"
"Ithandwa ndim uyixelele." I say giggling.
"Zenande ngithe iyak'thanda indoda uyezwa?" I laugh.
"Yebo ngiyezwa Zulu"
"Good girl ubogeza izindlebe" I laugh and then hang up. This clown.
I go join my mom in the lounge,we watch a movie while munching on popcorn,some good old mother and daughter time.


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