Insert 33

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I dish up for us and we eat over light conversations mostly the guys talking about business,come to think of it their world is not so boring. When we are they watch soccer highlights while I wash the dishes,on a normal day I would give them a piece of my mind,I mean I cooked a delicious meal for them and now they expect me to wash the dishes soze! But since it's my first time in my own kitchen and they helped me out by moving everything here I will just keep my mouth shut. After a while they head out telling me about meeting up with the boys,I would also meet up with my girls if they were here unfortunately they are coming back on Monday.

I unpack my suitcase and tidy up my closet while talking to mama and Asemahle over the phone,mama is back to being the sweet angel that misses her daughter since I'm out of sight. She tells me how naughty Mahle has become in just a matter of hours and that makes me laugh.

When I'm done I go to the lounge area and catch up on The Wife,I managed to watch only one episode so this is my chance before my life becomes hectic because that's just how it is. I mean I'm going to be a fourth year medicine student that is married to a polygamous prince and business tycoon,it's going to be really hectic how nice! I got my results a week back and your girl passed all her modules with As,I'm really proud of myself if I add.

Diego is going back straight to his house while Zano said he is coming back here,talk about a man on a mission. I'm definetly not waiting up for him,he gave himself a key of his own so I lock up and switch off the lights.

I take a nice and long bubble bath that relaxes my body,when the water starts getting uncomfortably cold I get out and do my night routine. I head to the bedroom and get into bed after cleaning up the bathroom. I text my dad goodnight and check my socials. My accounts are now public a demand by the agency. I have a message requests on Instagram,I quickly check them out and find one that stands out. Ayabulela_G . My heart knows it's him but my head won't believe it so I check his profile. It is him! He is living the life he always wanted but what can I say perks of having rich parents. He has not changed a bit,still the same handsome boy that slept with my best friend. He has pictures with multiple women so I assume he is still the same womanizer he was back then. Rea sends a text on WhatsApp,interrupting my stalking. I quickly respond to her complaining about being home and go back to my Instagram. Zano just posted a picture of him,my brother,Muzi and two other guys they are in the VIP area of his club. I must say they all look good. Without thinking I go to Zano's profile. Damn! This guy is a celebrity! He has a million followers,imagine. His posts are mostly business related like him being at some conference or launching a new club. There are also other pictures like the one he just posted with his friends and family,mostly Phephelo but there are no pictures of Dudu or anything relating to his love life. I don't why but that makes me happy,really happy. I'm feeling sleepy so I check the time and it's already past midnight so I say a little prayer and get back into bed. Zano walks in as I put my phone on the bedside table.

He walks to the bed,takes off his shoes and gets under the covers,pulling me to him. His hands are cold and I smell alcohol from his breath.
"Are you drunk?" I ask.
"I'm not sure" he replies.
I laugh and roll my eyes. He is certainly drunk.
"Uthini kanti Love?" I ask while laughing.
"Let's see if ngidakiwe ke" he says as he kisses my shoulder,taking my pyjama top off.
He kisses my lips and gets on top of me. He carasses my now hard breasts,tenderly stroking and rubbing them. He kisses my neck and I take off his t-shirt by instinct. He continues kissing my neck as he inserts his middle finger into me. I let out a moan that seems to encourage him. He goes down,kissing my boobs,chest,upper stomach,navel and this makes my body beg for more. What is he doing to me? He takes off my shorts and pushes my legs wide open. My heart does a young somersault while my cheeks flush. He continues gently kissing my thighs. I'm a moaning mess,My skin has goosebumps and my body is on fire. His hands are now even warm. He takes off my underwear and positions himself. He puts his finger on my clit and rubs it in circular motion while his other hand has it's finger buried  in my cookie. He continues with this until I feel hot flushes begging me to surrender. He sees this and stops. He gives me a smug smile and lowers himself putting his tongue deep into my cookie. Farrah Gawd your son! He is licking,tongue-fucking and sucking on my labia. I involuntarily arch my back,my body jerks up and my legs begin to shake.
"Baby...Sth-andwa...Ma...Mageba" it all comes out in a voice I cannot even recognize as mine.
He doesn't stop no matter how much I beg,although I don't want him to stop.
"Ahhhh!" I scream as my body gives in. He repeats this four times and by now I'm sure that I'm the one who is drunk not him.

He licks me clean and comes back up to kiss me. I'm crying for only Lord knows what and I have no strength left in me. My mouth is even dry but his kiss brings my body back to life again. He unbuckles his belt and takes off his jeans. I bite my lower lip stopping myself from drooling over this well sculpted man. I can't help but think am I really ready for this? Who am I kidding I have been ready for this since the day I saw him look at me in his restaurant,I can't get how he looked at me out of my mind even now thinking about it makes me press my legs together.He looks at me and gives me a smug smile. I can't help but feel nervous and a bit embarrassed,he is used to having girls that know their way around and here I am as clueless as they get.
He takes off his underwear,He kisses my neck and passionately kisses me. He turns my face so I look at him and he wipes my tears.
"Sthandwa sami are you sure about this?" He asks.
This is one of the things I love about this man, he is always concerned about me or how I feel. I nod my head in agreement.
"I need words baby" he says with a smug smile.
"Yes... Ngicela ungangilimazi" my voice comes out hoarse.
I heard stories about your first time hurting,I really don't want that. I'm most certainly afraid of pain.
"I will be gentle" he whispers in a voice that sends tingles down my spine to my ladybits.
My clit is burning and throbbing at the same time. He pushes my legs widely apart and rubs Ndabezitha against my screaming clit.
"Ba... Baby" I beg in a voice I can't recognize.
He kisses my thighs and positions himself on my entrance. He feels warm. He comes back to kiss me on my lips and asks if I'm ready. I nod my head quickly. He pushes into me,the more he does,the more he clenched his teeth. I start feeling increasing pressure and then a bit of pain. I put my hands on his chest and try pushing him away. He asks if he should stop,I appreciate this about him although my mind and my body are at war with each other,I shake my head and tell him "No" out loud. I want this especially with him. He kisses my lips,pushes and pins my hands over my head. I can't move them. He pushes himself even further into me,I feel like something is ripping and tearing apart,i scream.
"Ngiyaxolisa " he whispers into my ear.
As clichè it might sound,it makes me feel a bit better. He continues thrusting and moving his hips. The pain mixes with pleasure and I find myself moaning out his name. He does this for a few minutes and then empties himself into me. Luckily I started on contraceptives a week ago but I have to discuss this with him,I make a mental note of it. He collapses on top of me. After regaining his strength,he slowly kisses me and asks if I'm alright. I smile and tell him I'm fine. I'm lying my vagina is on fire. He pulls out and I wince at the loss of him. He gets up and walks to the bathroom. He comes back with a towel and wipes me clean,I can't move my body is drained,I force myself to lay on my side. He wipes himself then throws the towel on the floor. He gets into bed,pulls the covers and hugs me to sleep as I dream of him chasing me playfully in a beautiful garden with beautiful flowers all around.

I'm woken up by an overwhelming need to pee. I detangle myself from a sleeping Zano and slowly walk to the bathroom naked. I sit on the toilet and jump a bit because of the burn I get when I pee but it goes away. When I'm done I get into a hot shower to relax my body after such a beautiful night.
I look into the mirror as I brush my teeth and I can't help but feel that I look different,there is a glow to my skin and my body looks different but still the same. I also feel different. I feel like a woman no longer a little girl. I laugh at my stupidness and lotion my body and tie my braids into a bun. I wrap a towel around and go to the bedroom. Zano is sitting on the bed with the duvet and pillows on the floor.
"Love what's going on?" I ask walking to him.
"I wanted to change the sheets where do you keep them?" He asks giving me a smile that makes my knees weak.
So this wants to change the sheets? I burst out with laughter and he lightly hits me with a pillow. I direct him to where the bedding is as I laugh my lungs out. I decide to help him because I'm sure he will make a mess of it,as we remove the sheet I notice a bit of blood on the white sheet,the only proof that remains of me giving my virginity to this wonderful man. When I look up from the sheet,Zano is looking at me. I blush and look down out of embarrassment. He comes over to my side in a jiffy,he cups my face and makes me look at him.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
By the way he looks,he thinks I regret what happened last night and that tugs at my heart,how can he think that?
"I'm more than okay Mageba. For your information I don't regret anything. I'm so happy that I got to share that moment and many others with you. I love you Zulu" I say holding his hands that are still on my face.
He smiles and looks down then looks at me,I see nothing but love in his eyes. I don't even doubt for a second that he loves me because his eyes say it out loud. He kisses me gently while his hands move my butt and he squeezes,the kiss takes a sudden turn as our tongues battle for dominance.A tingle goes down to my ladybits. He unwaraps my towel and throws it on the floor and lifts me up by my thighs.


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