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Asemahle is an angel. I think to myself as I brush her little face while she is asleep. Last night she threw tantrums not wanting to sleep alone so I had to sleep with her in mine. What I love about this little girl is that she is never bothered whether her mother is around or not,she is used to having only mama and me around,We basically raised her.

I just finished doing my morning routine,I get up from the bed and look for something to wear. After a few minutes of looking trough my wardrobe I decide on a white below the knee curve hugging skirt with a split on the thigh and it's matching spaghetti strap crop top that shows off my flat stomach. I get dressed then tie my braids into a lazy bun. I lay my edges,Mahle wakes up as I put on minimal make-up.
"Uyahhamba Nande?" She asks rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
I turn away from the mirror to face her. She is even more cute when she wakes up,you would swear she is not the one that causes chaos in this house.
"Ewe bhabha ndizobuya though,uthe ndikzele nantoni kanene?" I ask her as I lotion my hands.
"Unodoli nezilokhwe zakhe" she says excitedly.
Honestly her dad has bought her so much of those dolls but she keeps on misplacing them one after the other,and yet she keeps on asking for them. Talk about determination.
"Okay baby hhambo hlamba ubuso uxubhe namazinyo sizokwazi ukuyotya iBreakfast andithi?"
She nods and quickly runs out of my room,just like her aunt she loves food a lot,I'm surprised why we are both still so skinny. I go pick out clothes she will wear because if I let her do that then I will get a scolding from mama because her granddaughter always creates a mess. When she is done I help her put on her clothes,I know I'm over doing it she can dressed by herself but I just can't help it. When we are both satisfied with what we see in the mirror we go have breakfast.

After eating a huge delicious breakfast if I might say and helping my mom with the dishes,I go back to my room,take off my slippers and put on my black wedges. I put on nude lipstick and then I put it and everything that I need in my bag. I sling my bag over my shoulder and roll my suitcase out.
Mom and Mahle walk me to the gate because mom is complaining about not feeling well,which she isn't it's just a coy so that I don't leave. After hugging and kissing them I put on my earpods and press play Family Values by Riky Rick. This man was a giant in the entertainment industry and also South African hip-hop,it's a shame that we lost him so soon but he surely will live on forever through his great music. As I walk down the busy street I realize that I forgot my sunglasses,oh well! I just hope mama locks up my room before Nolu sells all of my stuff,because I know she will. If no man pays attention to her or offers to buy her alcohol at least she has the decency to hustle for that drink but unfortunately it means stealing from me,only me. Sometimes I wish that we could have a normal sister relationship but how can you have that with somebody who hates your guts for something you also don't know about. A car pulls up as I'm lost in my thoughts,I'm really not in the mood to be hitted on by old man so I keep on walking.
"Need a lift to the airport Nododile?"
I look curiously to the drivers side and to my relief it's Asenathi.
"Come on" he says getting out of the car.
"Are you sure it won't be a problem though?"I ask as he puts my suitcase in the boot.
"Asoze" he says while winking.
We both laugh at that because "Asoze" was always my answer for everything back in high school. He opens the passenger door for me,which I call the Stupid Seat because of how many guys that actually lose their manners when riding shortgun in their friends' car. I get in and he closes the door for me. He has really grown up I say to myself as he gets in on the driver's side. He starts the ignition while looking at me,it's not sexual or anything it's like he is trying to see the girl he knew in me. I laugh at this and he just shakes his head while driving off.
"Let me guess really hard Vuyelwa told you right?" I ask sarcastically.
He chuckles and then nods meaning yes.
That girl's head is messed up real bad,it's like all she does for a living is gossip,she should consider doing Journalism.
"Mxm! So where are you off to?" I ask.
"I'm going to fetch Aya from the airport" he says looking at me.
"Okay" I say and look out the window.
When someone says Aya's name in my presence they always expect me to have some sort of reaction and it's really irritating. I cried all I could,I forgave where I should and I put the past where it belongs. People should just grow up as I have. After a while my phone rings,it's Diego.
"Puffo"(Smurf) I say giggling.
"Pufetta"(Smurfette) I smile.
As you all have guessed the nicknames were inspired by the Smurf,We watched the movie together and after that Diego started calling me Pufetta which is Italian and I followed suit.
"So who is gonna fetch me?"
"Either me or fratello just tell us when you land because now we are still busy with work"(brother).
"Okay. I love you"
"I love you too little sis" then he hangs up.
"The boyfriend?" Asenathi asks as he parks the car.
"Nope the brother" I say getting out of the car.
He helps me with my suitcase as I reapply my lipstick.
"Don't you want to wait for Aya? I'm sure he will be here any minute now" the smile on my face disappears.
My turn to flee,I'm not up for this,I have a plane to catch.
"Nope he ain't a celebrity. Bye Are thanks for the ride!" I say as I walk through the doors leaving him laughing his lungs out.

As I walk out of the entrance I see Diego's Jeep Wrangler. I quickly walk to him and we hug as he spins me around and I giggle like a little girl.
"Nami ngicela iHug" I turn my head.
My love is standing there looking all sorts of yummy in his black suit and white shirt. He hands a bottle of water to my brother and Gawd he looks beautiful. I smile and jump into his arms,he catches me while laughing. After breathing him in he puts me down and gives me a deep kiss. I'm home,this right here is where I belong. His hands move to his favourite place and he squeezes my butt. I giggle in his mouth,He is so readable. He smiles.
"You two better get a room,we don't want to be exposed to pornographic content" Diego says as he starts the ignition.
I look down in embarrassment,I totally forgot that we are in a public space the people passing by must think that I don't have any morals. Zano laughs while leading me to the backseat,I get in while he loads my suitcase in the trunk. He gets in on the passenger side and we drive off as they talk about business,merchandise,negotiating,proposals,deals and all things related to their work the entire drive to my apartment.

Dad surely went all out with my apartment,it looks beautiful like a cut out from a magazine,it looks out of this world and it looks expensive. Who am I kidding I know that it's expensive,it's in the most expensive side of Pretoria. After a few minutes I realize that my jaw is hanging,I quickly close my mouth while Zano and my brother laugh at my reaction,idiots! I shake my head smiling at their stupidness.
"Stand like that,I want to take a picture of you two" Diego says while taking out his phone.
He is definitely similar to Rea,maybe I should give in to Rea and introduce them to each other. We do a mini shoot courtesy of myself. After that Zano takes my suitcase to my bedroom,he knows this place well thanks to helping Diego with my stuff. He asks if he could take a shower,I tell him that he doesn't even have to ask because this is also his home.
I cook while my brother keeps me company.
"Puffo why don't you have a girlfriend?" He laughs.
"Who said I don't?" He asks with a smirk after laughing his lungs out for a while.
"You know you don't. You wouldn't be working so much if you did have one" I say.
While putting the lasagne in the oven and adding the final touches to my creamed spinach.
"I just haven't found the right girl yet. The girls I have found just love me for the money and for just bragging about being with me,they never challenge me or anything so I decided to let go of relationships and just have fun" he says winking at me.
I laugh,I knew it he is a player this one. Friends of a feather flock together,that's why he and Zano are so close. He leaves me to go freshen up and I go to my bedroom to check up on Zano.

I open the door and slowly close it with my back. He was in the shower. He has a towel wrapped around his waist and he is dabbling himself dry with another. Le ndoda works out bahlali,he looks yummy right now and chocolate is my favourite.
"Lo-ve" I manage to say.
He places the towel on the bed and walks towards me. My heart starts beating like a drum. I bite my lower lip so I don't blush,even though it's totally useless because I'm sure I have turned red. He stands in front of me,holds my hand and smothers his entire body against mine. I close my eyes at the contact and look to the side. I can feel his warm skin against mine. My skirt in this case isn't doing me any justice.
"Aowa mosadi not hate keng?" He asks mimicking Rea in his broken Sepedi. I can't help but laugh although my vocal chords decide to deliver it in pieces,making it totally obvious that I'm nervous. He continues locking his burning beautiful eyes into mine. I close my eyes as his lips slowly approach mine. He pecks my lips softly and sucks on my lower lip. I do the same still balancing by the closed door. His hands move smoothly to my butt and he squeezes both cheeks,I giggle. He smiles. His right hand moves to the door handle and he locks it. He kisses my neck and lifts me up by my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist and he pins both my hands together above my head with his one hand,the other travels to my breast. A moan escapes my lips,I want this,I want all of him. He licks and sucks on my neck.
"Fratello we have to get going hurry up" Diego says while knocking on the door.
My poor brother doesn't know what's behind this door,his sister is like a chicken waiting to be roasted. Zano puts his forehead against mine,We both purse our lips to stop ourselves from laughing.
"And Karina your kitchen is burning" he says as he walks away.
Damn! I slide my way out of Zano's hold and fix myself feeling embarrassed and a bit disappointed. This made me forget that I'm cooking. Zano can't stop laughing,so I hit him lightly on his chest. I unlock the door and attempt to leave,He pulls me against him by the waist. I can feel his erection against my butt.
"Uyaphi Karina?" He asks with a smug smile.
Damn you Diego Leornado Rosso! I roll my eyes and chuckle.
""To my burning kitchen since my brother just caught us -" he bursts out in laughter.
I give him a deadly stare but end up giggling.
"There is plenty of time for that Sthandwa Sami,you are all mine ungakhali" he says laughing. I hit his chest against and leave him there laughing like the idiot he is.


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