Insert 68

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I move my hand to Zano's side of the bed and it's empty. Everything that happened last night comes back in waves and I jump from the bed. I check for him in the bathroom and he isn't there,I'm starting to panic now. I get out of my room in search of him. I quickly make my way down the stairs and I bump into one of the ladies that help around.
"Hey... sisi have you seen Zanothando?" She shakes her head indicating no.
I walk past her and head straight to the door,the guards must know something.
"Sphesihle!" I hear Gogo call out.
I turn back to her.
"Zano Gogo?" I ask now in tears.
"Ukhona sisi ungakhali" she says hugging me.
I should be relieved but I'm not,what if he is back to hating me? I cry even louder at that thought.
"Sphesihle?" I hear Zano call out.
I pull away from Gogo and there he is. In his black jogger pants and a grey hoodie. I look around and there is Enhle,Zotha,Phephelo,Anele,Mamkhulu and Baba. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. It hits me that im standing here in my pyjamas and I'm completely barefoot.
"Ngiyaxolisa i-" I say trying to get away since my voice is cracking.
Zano hugs me and my body relaxes.

"You see he?doesn't hate you" my subconscious mocks me.

He picks me up bridal style all the way to my room. He puts me on the bed and crouches between my legs.
"UBaba ungitshelile ngaloku okwenzekile"(Dad told me about what happened) he says looking deep into my eyes.
"Ungakhathazeki ngiRight manje and ngiyabonga mama ngabe angikho lana namhlanje ngaphandle kwakho"(Don't worry mommy I'm alright now all thanks to you,I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you) he says squeezing my hands.
"Kumele ubuyele kuCele futhi"(You are supposed to pay Cele a visit again) I say.
"Ngizohamba nobaba noPhephelo ngidinga ukuthi uphumule"(I will go with dad and Phephelo I need you to get some rest) he says getting up from his crouching position.
"No Zano I can't ngilinde ngigeze ngihamba nani"(...wait for me to bath so I can't go with you) I say getting up from the bed.
He holds me firmly by my waist and kisses the life out of me. Instantly I  can feel how hard he is on my abdomen. His hands move to my thighs and he picks me up gently,slowly placing me on the bed while he leaves a chain of wet kisses down my neck down to my breasts. I bend my neck to the side to give him more working space,my body immediately responds to him. He takes my pyjama top off and goes back to kissing me,now it's all out of hunger,telling me how much he wants me. I pull his hoodie off as he pulls my pants together with my panties off. He stands up and takes his pants off together with his briefs. It's like all of these clothes can't get off quick enough.
"Do you have condoms lana?" He asks smiling.
"Zano!" I cry out as I fondle with my breasts. My clit crying out for him.
He chuckles and turns me around. I do it like he taught me,ass up and chest down. As I'm still getting used to that I feel him thrust into me unexpectedly and I scream. It doesn't hurt at all because the moment he kisses me my honey pot tips over. I hear him groan as he pulls on my hair and thrusts harder into me. I scream even more and bite into the sheets preventing the entire house from hearing me. I can feel all of him,he increases his pace and I feel my legs giving in. He turns me around instantly holding my leg over his waist and continues with his perfectly timed thrusts as he kisses on my neck. I keep moaning out his name as my nails make contact with his back.
"Ushisa kamnandi" he whispers into my ear and that's just about it. I feel my body give in and I moan out his name as i feel my spirit separate from my body and it feels like im floating on air. After a few minutes he starts groaning and releases into me. He collapses on to the side,as I also come down from my high and holds me to his chest as we both try to catch our breath.
"Ngiyakthanda mama" he says kissing my forehead.
I feel warmth explode through out my entire body,He loves me! He loves me! I think to myself as I lazily wrap my legs around him and close my eyes. I'm tired really tired from all that much needed vitamin D! I drift to a peaceful sleep in Zano's arms where I belong.

I'm woken up by my phone ringing like crazy,I open my eyes and there it is on the bedside table,I don't even remember putting it there. I disconnect it from the charger and pick up the call.
"Wena mthakathi! Uyenzeni indoda yami?"(You witch! What did you do to my man?) Dudu screeches into my ear.
"It takes one to know one right mnaks?" I say sitting up on the bed.
Zano actually dressed me,I smile at that thought.
"Uzozisola awungazi wena"(You will regret this clearly you dont know me) she screeches and hangs up.

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