Insert 7

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I have been feeling under the weather for this entire week. The dream is keeping me awake at night. Maybe I'm losing my mind. I'm like a zombie now.

I haven't been eating or sleeping like my usual self,I have even lost weight. Buhle decided that we should go out to cheer me up. I really don't feel like going anywhere to be honest but what can I say they are trying their best and Rea will never let me be.

I have already showered so I lotion my body,go to my wardrobe,take out a over the knee pencil skirt,a white body suit and toss them on the bed. I remove my shower cap,comb my hair,plait it four lines on my left hand side and let the rest of my afro just be. I put on make-up because I look like hell so I cover these eyebags up. I get dressed and I finish off the look with black gladiator sandals. At least now I don't look like the way I feel I say to myself looking at my reflection in the mirror. I take my bag put in my phone,purse,lip gloss and a pad just for in case. I get out and lock the door,I'm gonna meet the girls downstairs then we will walk to the café.

As I walk down the stairs these idiots start screaming! "That's my girl!" Rea says waving her hands side to side in the air while Buhle is caught up on snapping pictures of me. When I get to the last step we group group hug and head out.

Along the way I tell them that I got approached by the best modeling agency in Gauteng and they want me to come in for an interview. Rea says I'm the next Tyra Banks and Buhle says we are gonna rub shoulders with the rich and famous,we continue discussing my outfit to the interview.

When we get to the café we find Phephelo,Zano a friend sitted next to the only unoccupied table,we head over to their table and greet them. Introductions go around and their friend is introduced as Muzi,he seems to like Buhle. When I look at Zano he looks like hell not his charming self. He is wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt,black jeans and slides. He looks like he hasn't been sleeping for ages,maybe all the fires happening are getting to him. Imagine trying to fix THIS and THAT breaks yerrr I feel for him.
"Are you okay?" I hear myself say,damn me and my big mouth now he will think I love sticking my nose into people's business.
Zano:"Nothing I can't handle and how are you? You look beautiful by the way." He says as I was turning to leave. Well he just made my year with that compliment.
Me:"Thanks I'm also alright" as I blush and look down to my shoes.
Rea:"Okay bye guys" she says pulling me to her.
Phephelo:"Why don't you grab chairs and join us?"
Buhle:"Oh!we really don't --.." Rea cuts in with a "Of course we will" as she grabs a chair from the other table and takes a sit.
Muzi:"Khululekani we don't bite."he says giving Buhle a smug smile. Buhle also goes to take a chair and I'm still standing there smiling to myself like a retard. Zano gets up and offers me his seat "Hlala I don't bite." He winks and we all laugh,he walks to the other table and comes back with a chair and sits next to me. He smells so good!
Rea:"Can we please have three slices of chocolate cake" she says to waiter because the guys have already ordered coffee. "Don't you have champagne?" We all look at her and laugh. "Okay we will celebrate with tea then". Phephelo asks what what we are celebrating Buhle gladly informs them a string of congratulations come from the guys. Zano says everything is on him,it is his café anyway so who can say no. He says he is proud of me and I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach,I have the most biggest smile nothing is going to ruin my day today.

After eating my cake I look through the window as I push the plate away,the gang is talking about their plans for the upcoming festive season. I see the woman from my dream she silently says "Lwandle."and walks away.
Me:"Lwandle?"i ask out loud looking behind me maybe she was talking to somebody else. The gang goes quiet and they look at me. I start feeling too hot and the room starts spinning.
Buhle:"Who is that?" She asks as she looks around to see the person. Zano and Phephelo look like they have just swallowed poison by mistake. I get up and run after the woman,I need answers.
Rea:"Wa kae?" She yells. I hear chairs scratching the floor,they are coming after me. I see her about to cross the street so I run even faster. I can't breathe my lungs are slowly shutting down "MAMA!" I yell and everybody on the sidewalk looks at me. I'm running but I can't feel my legs anymore,I see everything go blurry "UPHI ULWANDLE?" I shout out loud with my last bit of strength,then I feel my body hit the cold pavement and everything goes black.


Zenande Okhethiweyo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora