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I'm woken up by somebody cupping my face with one hand,judging from the tingles,it's Zano. I smile and then slowly open my eyes,He looks sad.
"Ukhale waze walala" he states sadly.
I know my face gives me away so I just nod my head at him.
"Ngiyaxolisa mama I felt the exact pain every time I said those things to you but I had to keep going so that Dudu doesn't think I love you more than her,She doesn't understand what is happening between us" he says grazing my face with his fingers.
I can tell from his face that he didn't sleep even a wink. I glance at the time and its 06:00am my flight leaves at 12:00pm.
"Ukuphi uDudu?" I ask him as i get under the covers.
"Uye kubo uyobuza uMa wakhe ngoDuduzani" he says.
"Okay please go lock the door" i tell him and he does so.
When he gets back I remove the covers and motion for him to get in. He chuckles and takes his jeans and t-shirt off.
"Yeh mama! Angeke ngilale nomuntu ogcoke iwardrobe yonke mina" he says getting into bed with his white Calvin Klein briefs.
I get up and do as he says,I take my clothes off and I'm left in my panties,I quickly go to his side and put on his t-shirt that goes halfway down my thigh. It smells like him,gosh I love his cologne.
"Happy now?"I ask getting into bed.
"Yazi i would be very happy if..-"
"Lets sleep my love ngiyazi ukuthi awulalanga ebsuku" I cut him off and he chuckles pulling me closer to him so that we are spooning.
He kisses my forehead and shuts his eyes,after a while I can tell he is finally asleep by his steady breathing. I move even closer to him putting my leg over him and drift to sleep.

I'm woken up by somebody knocking on the door.
"Sisi Nande?" Enhle calls out.
"Hhayi Enhle marn!" Zano shouts with a sleepy voice.
"Sorry I thought you left with Dudu" she says probably pouting and she walks away judging from her foot steps.
"What time is it?" I ask him sleepily.
He is the one closer to the alarm clock.
"09:00am what time is your flight?" He asks.
"12:00pm" I tell him and try to get up from the bed.
But he pulls me down to him.
"Zano akekho umakoti olala until this time ngiyeke" I say to him.
"Kodwa ingekho right ugogo will understand that I'm your first priority" he says pulling me closer to him.
As I'm about to complain he crashes his mouth into mine and moves my hand to his bulge. I can feel my panties getting wet just from touching him,I pull down his briefs and he springs free. I take him in my hand and move it up and down causing him to groan breaking the kiss. I take that chance and make my way down to his rod in a trail of wet kisses and he fists my hair. I swipe my tongue at the precum and i moan looking at him through my eyelashes,I love how he looks right now. I lubricate him then put him in my mouth[...]

One thing about Zano is that he never gets enough what was supposed to take a few minutes turned into two whole hours of being tossed and turned into different positions. After showering and he couldn't help but finger fucking me,we both got dressed up and quickly grabbed something to eat while saying goodbye to the family. We are now in his car,he insisted on driving me to the airport.
"Have you ever cheated on Dudu?" I ask him.
He coughs and then clears his throat.
"Uhm... yeah" he says embarrassed.
"How many times?" I ask.
"Uhm... a couple of times I don't remember" he says and then clears his throat.
"Don't you think that's why she is like this?" I ask.
"It was a long time ago,she knows I'm no longer a boy" he says shrugging.
"You know if you dare cheat on me you wouldn't live to tell the story?" I ask him putting on my serious face.
He chuckles and nods.
"Trust me I know. That will never I would probably call out your name at every touch" he says laughing.
I look at him and laugh also. I wonder how he does it two women and you don't even mix up their names even when you are drowning in pleasure,I respect him.
"Did you use protection when you cheated?" I ask.
"Always" he says.
"Have you realized that we don't use protection?" I ask him.
"Why should I use protection with you? You are practically my wife not some girl I picked up from the club" he says shrugging.
"We haven't gotten tested for HIV" I say to him.
"Okay if that's your problem then let's go get tested" he says making a U-turn.
"What?Zano no!I'm going to miss my flight" I say to him.
"It won't take long and anyway we are not that far from the airport" he says pulling up at a clinic.
When we get inside he tells them we are here for a couples HIV test,they take our blood and offer us counseling while we wait and then they give us our results. We are both negative,I didn't have doubts about that at all. When I have asked questions to my heart's content we leave.
"Its not only HIV that you get from unprotected sex" I say.
"I know STIs also"
"And in my case a baby" I say to him.
He turns his head to me with a huge grin.
"Are you trying to tell me that we are pregnant?" He asks.
I can't help but laugh at him and his face falls but he quickly covers it up by chuckling and focusing back on the road.
"What? No! That's just it I don't want kids" I say to him.
He looks at me like I just told him I'm dying tomorrow.
"Ini?" He asks.
"At least not yet ke" I say to him.
"Yazi uhlushwa yini?"
I shake my head indicating No.
"Ukuba yiModel! Everything that you think of is your waist size!" He says pulling into a parking space.
And then gets out immediately. He is already angry?

"Wouldn't you be? "My subconscious asks back while buffing her nails.

I slowly get out of the car and go to him. I hug him from behind and feel his tense body calm down. I go around him so that I look him in the eye.
"Ungakwati" I say softly to him.
"Angikwatile Zenande I'm hurt. Imagine loving someone and seeing a future child that looks exactly like that person only for them to tell you that they don't see the same thing" he says and heads back to the car.
He comes back with my bag,ticket and phone.
"Zano" I say.
He hands them to me and I take them.
"Call me mawufika." He says and then places a kiss on my forehead.
"My love don't be like this" I say to him.
He gives me a weak smile and gets into his car then he drives off. I'm left there not believing what just happened,I look at the time and go inside. If I miss that flight my mom will murder me.

When I get home im immediately bombarded by work. Apparently the Zulu family requested UMembeso the day after the negotiations,so I have to get the invitation cards designed and printed today and I have to go to Mthatha. When I come back home it's already late,I bump into Nolu on my way in.
"Nolu can we talk?" I ask her.
"Ufuna ntoni Zenande?" She asks totally bored.
"Can we go shopping maybe tomorrow? If you don't have an outfit for UMembeso then you can get it" i say politely.
"Ndincamele ukufa than go shopping with you. I have already had enough of this lobola bullshit I can't wait until you get married and leave this house honestly!" She says and then walks out the gate.
I will not cry! I'm already used to her. I repeat to myself until I get inside the house.
"Nande!"Mahle screams as soon as I walk in.
I laugh and give her a huge hug.
"Sungxola Asemahle!" Mama scolds Mahle.
"Uzifumene?" She asks turning to me.
I nod my head and take out one invitation card from the envelope and give it to her.
"I will send them out tomorrow " I say to her.
She nods.
"Ayiseyinhle bhabha" she says with glassy eyes and I just hug her. And look at it.


The families of Rosso,Nododile and Zulu
Hereby invite you
To share in the uMembeso ceremony
That will be held in honour of
Zenande & Zanothando
Stand No. 53 Bubble Street Lusikisiki
Eastern Cape
21 December 2022

I get why she is emotional,this is a wake up call.I'm getting married. She hugs me tight.
"Come eat and then go get some rest" she says to me.
I eat Amasi nomphokoqo with Mahle as mama tells us stories of her childhood,when I'm done I wash the dishes and go take a nice long bath. After getting dressed in my Pjs I call Zano.
"Mama" he answers after a couple of rings.
"My love I'm sorry that I'm calling you at this time,immediately when I got here I had things to do ngiyaxolisa Mageba" I say to him.
"Ungakhathazeki Mpilo yami,ngivele ngasho ukuthi bakubambe ngamawashing" he says causing me to laugh.
"Love about earlier..." I say and he cuts me off.
"Sthandwa Sami I have a lot of work to do,ulale kahle uyezwa?" He says.
He is still sulking. I nod my head and then remember that I'm on the phone.
"Ngiyak'thanda Ndabezitha." I say and then he hangs up.
There will be times when he cannot say it,then I will gladly say it for the both of us. I get on to WhatsApp and send him the invitation soft copy. He doesn't reply even though he is online. I go over to his status and he has posted it. I smile at that and log out.

Earlier today somewhere...
"Ufake ngomuva wecephe ekudleni kwakhe" the sangoma says throwing a wrapped packet at me.
"Ngifuna abheke mina ngedwa akukho onganginika kona okunye?" I ask desparately.
"Ukusebenzisa imithi ehlekune ngeskhathi esisodwa kuyingozi kuwe kanye nakuye loyo muntu" the sangoma advises.
"Ngiyakubhadala angisho?" I say to her.
She shakes her head and gives me another satchet with pink powder in it.
"Uzipule ngawo ngasosonke iskhathi mawuceda ukugeza ukhulume nawo uwutshele ukuthi ufuna wenzeni" she says.
I gladly smile at her,now I will finally have him all to myself,I have been longing for that day so badly. I give her the money and stand up. Putting my shoes on outside. I put on my sunglasses and cover my face with a scarf as I walk to my car. I can't just trust on muthi only,I have to get rid of her forever and I know the perfect guy for that. I'm such a genius! I smile to myself as I drive back home.


Zenande OkhethiweyoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon