"Don't you find Smith a bit suspicious."


"I mean, she kept asking all these questions about robot, and now she needs him for something important without telling us? It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe, but she could just be curious about him, I mean, who isn't?"

"Yeah, maybe."


The sky was starting to darken, the sun had began to set and the stars were beginning to merge form the darkness. This was the perfect opportunity for the survivors to turn on the light projector.

Flipping a few things on, a bright beam was projected into orbit, hopefully getting the Resolute's attention. As everyone celebrated with drinks and food, Penny walked up to Will and (y/n) and looked at the bugs that were flittering near the beam of light.

"What are those things?" She asked, squinting her eyes.


"They're positively phototactic." The man beside them said, he was one of the leading scientists that studied species.  

"I think you mean positively disgusting." Penny gagged.

"As opposed to negatively phototactic." Penny looked at Will confused before (y/n) simplified it for her.

"It means they're attracted to light, like moths back on Earth." Penny nodded at her words before looking strangely at the same man that was attempting to get closer to the bugs.

"Uh okay." Penny attempted to dismiss the subject by bringing up the topic of food. "Do you want herb chicken or peanut butter." 

Will bent down to pick up two of the packages and handed one to (y/n). "I like to mix em."

"Really? Why am I not shocked?" (y/n) laughed and got a real look at the older girl, she had her hair down and was incredible pretty. This caused the girl to blush a little but forced it down when Penny mentioned her father.

"I saw you talking to dad, did he freak out?" Will looked down to the ground and didn't answer so (y/n) did it for him.

"He didn't tell him." Penny looked at Will in disappointment before it flashed into a scared look. A bug had flittered onto her hair. 

"Don't move." Will tried to comfort Penny with words while (y/n) tried to scooped away the bug but all failed when Penny screamed brushed her hair aggressively to make it go away.  

This made several eyes turn towards them, including the boy who was being blackmailed. 

"You're making it worse, just hold still." Vijay lightly flicked the bug, causing it to fly away from what is now Penny's crazy and messy hair. Looking at it, the other three laugh.

"Nice hair. You look great." The boy teased.

"Thanks." Penny sarcastically smiled, trying to brush off the embarrassment. As the two teenagers left off, it left Will and (y/n) to stare at the beaming light. 

"Do you think it'll work?"

"What?" Will tilted his head towards the girl beside him.

"You think the Resolute will be able to see it? I mean, all the calculation check out but do you really think they can see it out there."

Will thought for a moment, turning back to the light. "Yeah, I think they will."

The girl nodded at his words as they stand in silence. Not a second later, John grabs Will and (y/n), carefully pulling them to a spot with no praying ears. "Where is it."

"Where's what?"

"Where's the robot."

"I-I don't know." Will stammered, (y/n) didn't want to be more involved and stay in this conversation, but she knew Will needed her. So she grabbed his hand and stepped slightly behind him so that John knew that this was a conversation between himself and his son.

"Why are you lying to me."

"I'm not. I mean, I didn't mean to. I mean, I didn't want to. I-I just."

"Will, why'd you hide the robot."

"He was different before."

"What are you talking about."

"You know how something happened on the Resolute, and then we all crashed."


"It was because of him. I don't know why, but he was there. He hurt some people."

"No. Will, people died."

"But he saved me and (y/n). He saved Judy. He protected us in that storm, he's good now."

"Did he hurt you."

"We can control. We made him promise to never do that again."

"Will, you and (y/n) are just kids, you can't control anything. Where is it?" Will was crying, he had tears rolling down his cheeks even though he tried so hard to prevent them from. This broke (y/n)'s heart so she turned him around and gave him a hug. He gladly hugged back and stuffed his face into the girl's shoulder

"He's gone." The girl spoke in a quiet voice. John looked at the two kids in disappointment. 

"I thought I raised you better then this." Will looked to his father. "Is that why you hid it? Because you were afraid it was gonna hurt us?"

"No," Will looked at his father dead in the eyes. "I was afraid of what you were going to do to him." John looked at his son in shock, opening his mouth to say something but a creature roaring stopped him.

"What the hell." John looked around as (y/n) shook Will. 

"The monster's back."


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