"She is not a thing, she is your daughter for God's sake, she's your and Skye's daughter and she needs you now more than ever." Louis said between heaved breaths as he finally got Harry to stand still.

"She is no daughter of mine." Louis lifted his hand, clenching his fist as he connected it to Harry's right cheek. I felt relief wash over me, Louis doing something that I wanted to do since he said that he'd rather save Skye's life instead of Avery's. Harry stumbled back, resting his back against the wall as he rubbed his cheek. A look of shock washed over his face, the look of horror and disbelief present in his eyes, his mouth agape as he stared at Louis.

"You fucking punched me." He questioned more than he stated, Louis nodded his head, pained that he had to do it but knew that it was necessary. Liam tugged on his arm, pulling him towards the incubator, making him sit on the chair in front of it.

"Look at her, dammit fucking look at her. She needs you, she needs her dad. You are all she has left right now and you can't let that slip from her tiny fingers. She's depending on you, Harry." He looked at the little girl that moved in front of him, tears falling from his eyes as she looked at him.

"Hello princess." He whispered placing his hand against the glass, moving his chair closer so that he can see her more clearly.

"See baby girl, I told you daddy would come." I whispered, nodding towards the door, an indication that we should leave Harry with her, that they should have some time on their own.


She was so beautiful, the spitting image of her mom, yet unmistakeable features that we shared, portrayed on her tiny features. I placed my hand against the glass, wanting to hold her in my arms. More tears spilled from my eyes as I saw the amazing pools of brown that she had inherited from her mom, there was no question about it, she was the spitting image of Skye, and seeing her slightly healed the scars that were now covering my heart.

"Don't give up Avery; it's just the weight of the world, when your heart's heavy daddy will lift it for you. Don't give up, because you want to be heard, if silence keeps you I will break it for you. It's just the hurt that we hide; when you're lost inside I will be there to find you. Don't give up because you want to burn bright, you're my little star and if darkness blinds you, I will shine to guide you. I will never leave your side baby. You can't give up because daddy needs you angel, mommy needs her little girl. Everybody wants to be understood, well I can hear you. Everybody wants to be loved, don't give up because you are loved. God you are so loved, everybody cares for you, wants to protect you. I need you to fight, for me okay? I need you to fight for daddy, push through this, help mommy push through this. I love you, Avery and mommy loves you so much, I know you're gonna make it. You're daddy's little fighter, you're just like me and I pray to God you're just as stubborn as mommy, so don't you dare leave me, okay?" Tears fell from my eyes as I spoke, I loved her, I hated myself for being so cruel and heartless. This tiny being was mine and she needed me but I wanted to push her away.

I needed that push; I needed that punch to show me just how wrong I was. I was not going to be weak, I was not going to be sad, I was going to make Avery proud, make her proud of her daddy...


I snuck into the room where they kept Skye, my heart sunk as I saw her lifeless on the body, everything that I loved about my little sister was drained from her entirety. I sat on the chair that was placed next to her bed, grabbing hold of her hand that lay next to her side.

"You know sis, you really did good with Avery. She's just as beautiful as you." I chuckled through the lump that was forming in my throat. Tears started to fall from my eyes, I hated crying, but now crying was all I could do.

"Dammit Skye, fight please. Just fucking fight, we need you. Avery needs you; don't make her grow up without you. I know you can hear, God I hope you can because I can't lose you. I need you to pull through okay? You're my sense of sanity, I can't live with these nutters, I need you monkey. There are so many things I need to tell you, so many things I need to share, please don't go; I can't face this world without you." I squeezed her hand as tears fell from my eyes more vigorously, slightly obscuring my vision. I rested my head against her leg that was covered by the thin blanket that lay over the bed. I felt a slight pressure on my hand as I lifted my head. Her beautiful brown orbs stared at me, my mouth agape finding myself at a loss for words. She placed her finger in front of my mouth, a sign to keep quiet, confusion rushed over my face as to why she was doing that.


I heard the door open yet again, fearing that it was the familiar voice from early. I felt a large hand on mine, every ounce of my being hoping it was harry.

"You know sis, you really did good with Avery. She's just as beautiful as you." My heart skipped a beat, she was alive, my baby girl was alive and well. I heard him sniffle, his voice cracking slightly as he spoke. I've never seen Micah cry, maybe when he was little but lately, no. He was always so strong but when it came to me, he was harmless.

"Dammit Skye, fight please. Just fucking fight, we need you. Avery needs you; don't make her grow up without you. I know you can hear, God I hope you can because I can't lose you. I need you to pull through okay? You're my sense of sanity, I can't live with these nutters, I need you monkey. There are so many things I need to tell you, so many things I need to share, please don't go I can't face this world without you." My heart broke as I heard him speak; I knew he was right, I knew I had to fight. I had to fight for my little girl, for Harry, for my brothers and the boys. I needed to wake up, I needed to fight this. I tried with every sense of my being to move, to speak, to blink. I focused on my hand that was resting in his. I tried to squeeze it, getting frustrated with my unmoving body that didn't want to listen to me, obey the things that I wanted it to do. I tried again, my fingers staying unmoving as tears started to burn my closed eyes.

Please, please just move. I screamed yet no words fell from my lips, the room was silent. I tried again, feeling my fingers move as I set my focus on my eyes, trying to open them from the dark haze that was clouding my vision.

I opened them without any trouble, tears spilling from my eyes as I saw my beautiful brother looking up at me, confusion creasing his chiselled features. I placed my finger in front of my mouth, wanting him to stay silent, wanting to take in every inch of his features, praying that I'll never leave them...

Gang War (Fanfiction) (#WATTYS2017)Where stories live. Discover now