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It has been a week since they returned to Nigeria, and even with that, the news about them still hasn't died down because Zafeer made an official proclamation of his wife's ownership of Hillside villa resort, even the Sultan has acknowledged it. That was too much news for everyone, the rare fact about this, aside from the privileges is one thing. Automatic billionaire.

The tremendous dimly lit gold-coloured room gave off aristocratic vibes with the black curtains pulled apart, a huge coffee brown king-sized bed sat at the far end of the room, the vanity table was big with all sorts of cosmetic. At the far end of the room was like a mini parlor, just like her mother-in-law's, only that hers was a little more complicated with a colossal television and three-sitter sofas, a Persian rug and five black ottomans. The other part led to the bathroom and walk-in closet which also contains a make-up place.

Presently, a girl was busy surfing through a bulky textbook with a lazy but focused expression. It's been a long time since she last went to school and she doesn't even know where to start from, her notes are nowhere to be found and much to her dismay, exams will be starting soon. Thankfully, Zafeer has made some arrangements for her to write the tests she missed, what is left now is for her to study but the main problem is where she should start studying.

"Close the book," A deep voice suddenly rumbled, startling her.

"Jeez! Going to perform magic again? It won't work." She deadpanned and buried her head deeper into the bulky textbook that was starting to become overbearing.

"Have you forgotten that your husband is a legendary genius? Eat food and rest, here." He slammed the book shut before placing a tray containing cold milk and French toast for her. Like the glutton she is, Marwa gobbled down the food in a go.

He watched the girl pat her tummy in satisfaction, she looked very tired from studying, and he felt his heart tighten. Zafeer led her to the bed after a few minutes, the stern look he shot her made her fall asleep in seconds. She started studying in the morning and now, eight hours later, she hasn't achieved even a single thing. Ever since they returned from their honeymoon, the man has been teaching her how to speak Arabic, he was surprised at the girl's docile nature.

Shortly after, Marwa awoke from her rest, and the throbbing headache completely dissipated. She moseyed to her bathroom and took a relaxing shower to ease her tensed muscles. The bathroom was not that superfluous but classy, made up of a cubicle opposite a jacuzzi. The faucet was also situated beside the glass cubicle and a hardwood casing for her face scrubs and the likes.

In a white towel, she swiftly pressed the password of her closet, immediately after it opened, she released a gasp of astonishment for the umpteenth time. This was money on its own, all her clothes, including the one Junaid bought for her and her lefe, were here. The place was bright, with different types of clothes for different occasions. Marwa took out a burlywood hoodie and bisque cargo pants before battling into it and sauntering out.

Without bothering to cover her hair, Marwa passed the hallway and descended the staircase majestically. However, she quickly put on the hood and announced her presence when she noticed four people and her husband. From their uniform and intimidating aura, she could tell that the three well-built men were from the Royal English Navy, probably the bodyguards her husband told her about. But what about the woman in a cyan boss chic suit?

"Uh hello?" Marwa awkwardly sat beside Zafeer who pecked her both cheeks and smiled, his cold expression became warmer.

"Hey, darling. These are the guards I told you about, since you'll be resuming tomorrow, the Admiral sent them today. This is Kendrick, Oliver and Calvin. They will escort you everywhere, I can't have history repeating itself." Zafeer pointed at them one by one, Marwa nodded many times, why does she feel trapped whenever she looks at their austere stance? Can't she pull some tricks at school again?

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