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In a hospital room, a doctor was seen explaining something to an elderly man who kept nodding with a deep frown set on his face. Two girls and another woman who looked to be their mother silently sat by the side, they were keenly listening to the professional conversation on the other side of the room.

Soon after, a young man came inside the room. He was all but happy, no matter how he tries to act like he is okay, his eyes just end up betraying him, always. She was pretending to be asleep, all the while listening to the conversation too.

"I've signed the discharge papers Dad" Jamal ran his hands through his curly jet-black hair and sat down beside his sisters and mother.

"Thank you doc, we'll try our best to ensure her well-being" Mr Malik shook the doctor's hand as the family members wheeled Marwa away on the stretcher so as not to wake her up.

When she fainted, many people stupidly gazed at the scenery, it was Miss Victoria, her counselling teacher that came running there and used the limp girl's face ID to unlock her phone. She searched for the last person Marwa talked to who happened to be Jamal and told him about everything.

That time, he happened to be decorating the restaurant for a VIP guest that will be visiting the next day but he left whatever he was doing and rushed his way to the university. He got Marwa admitted and summoned his family's attention who arrived in an instant, now, here they are.

They placed her in the backseat of the limousine while Jamal's mother and Asma sat beside her with Jamal in the front seat. Nuwairah and her father were driven away in a black BMW Series 7.

"Son, you love her right?" His mother broke the silence.

"Ma I--" He sighed and glared at Asma who silently chuckled.

"Sometimes, we're not meant to end up with people we love the most and that's okay because we were never meant to be in the first place. As I always say to you guys, every disappointment is a blessing. She would have made a beautiful daughter-in-law but trust me, you should keep your feelings at bay than involve yourself and our family in trouble with the royals. You have done your best already." She spoke gently, her voice almost inaudible.

Jamal turned around and looked at her, he was about to say something when she pointed at Marwa's sleeping face on her thighs. He mouthed a silent thank you and turned around, his heart was heavy, the agony of losing Marwa will drain a lot of energy in him and he's not ready for that yet, who are those royals and why do they think they can have anything they want? He will be sure to show them their place once and for all.

Marwa heard every word they said and what she hates is causing anyone a problem. This family has done so much for her and is still doing it, they don't have to be sad because of her, she hates feeling like a burden to anyone. And so, she made up her mind to resume her work as a waitress in Jamal's restaurant the very next day.


Wedding preparations have started. Invitation cards were being produced and delivered to other royals from across the nation and internationally, politicians and also famous businessmen along with other extremely rich people. Zafeer absentmindedly permitted Nawal to do everything she wants and now, she is using that to her advantage by making everything to look extravagant and superfluous.

Even though she knows that the public doesn't like her marriage to the crown prince, she still enjoyed bathing in the attention of fake well-wishers and other snobs like her. It has gotten to the extent that if a person dares to step up and comment or speaks any form of ill talk that doesn't sit well with her, that person will be arrested as per her orders.

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