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The street was busy, with different cars on the road striving to make their way through the hold-up and get to their respective destinations. The road was soon cleared because of the loud siren that was heard blaring from afar and the next thing they saw was a golden Pagani Huayra speedily making its way. All attention was on that car and because the windows were tinted, neither the driver nor the passenger was seen.

Marwa's dream was to own a golden car with badass features and add sirens on it so that whenever there is a hold-up, the road will be cleared for her in an instant. Her passion for this made her learn how to fix cars and even sirens, as a certified mechanic. To say the Baghdad brothers were shocked when they saw her fixing the sirens yesterday would be an understatement, she can't be fooled when it comes to cars. At that time, Zafeer knew that his love for cars is not even up to a quarter of Marwa's.

"Adda Marwa I'm begging you in the name of Allah to please stop the car, I can hail a cab to take me to school and I won't be late, I swear" Hidayah frantically begged because of how her sister was busy speeding off on the road like a maniac.

"We'll be there in less than five minutes, you should not worry, your sister is an expert driver" Marwa assured her troubled sister and stepped on the gas pedal, increasing her speed before taking a sharp bend.

In less than four minutes, they arrived at Crescent International School. Then, Malam Salisu would have parked his tricycle from across the road, away from the eyes of other students but now, Marwa pulled up in front of the school gate, assembly was being held but the car distracted both the teachers and students, even the principal who was making an announcement couldn't help but stop and longingly stared at the car which is probably the only one in the whole of Kano state.

"Now go and study dear sis, if anyone tries to look for your trouble, I'm only one call away" Marwa adjusted her sister's hijab and put in her bag a thousand Naira note as pocket money for the day, something that has never happened. The highest Hidayah could get as pocket money was a hundred Naira which couldn't buy anything but Gala but now, the amount is ten times that.

The said girl calmed down and alighted the car, some students had to rub their eyes to make sure it was Hidayah Kabeer Hassan they saw. She will no doubt be the topic of the week, that is for sure and yes, the people bullying her will finally stop, if not, she'll tell her elder sister about it.

Marwa adjusted her triangular black sunglasses and drove off recklessly after connecting her phone to the car, she needs some music for motivation. She was driving with one hand and the other was being used to munch on one of the chocolates she came along with from home. As she drew nearer to the hospital, she turned on the siren to alert the gatemen of her presence, they pulled the gates apart even before knowing the driver of the car, thinking it was the police.

She filled the place with smoke and the animalistic sound of the car. It was such a sight to behold as the car made its way to the entrance of the hospital which was filled with people standing and waiting to see who the driver is. Marwa increased the sound of cheers from the people when she did a three-hundred and sixty degrees turn, in other words, a stunt.

Turad's procession of white cars which arrived a few minutes ago was forced to wait for her, he was reading something on his phone and didn't even know about the whole show till his bodyguard told him about it, that was when he raised his head and chuckled softly.

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