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"Happy Married life, Mrs Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad."

The moment he uttered those words, her world came to a halt. She was a little tipsy and sleepy due to the effect of that alcohol, even when her body succumbed to the demand of her first deep kiss, she didn't regain her senses but now, Marwa is wide awake.

Life keeps throwing shocking incidents in her way. First, she was woken up with a French kiss and now the news of her being someone's wife! Someone who is getting married to another woman in less than three hours. No, she blamed herself for dreaming about him, it is surely the effect of alcohol.

"You don't have to say anything, take your time." He gently whispered in her right ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Zafeer then raised her chin, making her look straight into his eyes. He gave her access to read them like an open book filled with answers concerning her life which they do. With his beautiful face up close, she couldn't seem to focus anymore. Those moist thin pink lips, she badly wants to taste them again and the thought is making her crazy.

"...That no matter what happens, even if we're in a situation where I can't speak, you're going to look into my eyes and see the truth that lies in them." That was when she remembered her promise to him when they reconciled back in Abuja.

In this situation, he dares not speak or explain himself till she asks him to. His heart depends on what she does, his body dances to her command, she has consumed the whole of him and he can't do anything about it. And right there, as his eyes spoke volumes, not contradicting a single word from him. She believed him, she found her trust in him again.

The weight of hatred she has for her family members seems to have been forgotten, it has been replaced with a sudden urge to meet and hug them all, especially the person she has been wanting to cross paths with, her twin sister. She didn't know what kind of pills made her do what she would never have thought of doing in her wildest dreams.

It all started from tracing his lips down to gripping his jaw and initiating the perfect kiss. He looked taken aback at first, he then flipped her around and ravished her lips while she hungrily roamed her hands around his upper body. The new couple were high on aphrodisiacs now, their minds were hazy with nothing to think of except a world of fantasy. The room was suddenly hot, and beads of sweat started forming on their foreheads and necks like they had been anticipating that event for a long time.

"Ahem--Ahem, Ya Zafeer you're here." Ammar faked a cough, he looked like he just awoke from sleep but in reality, he has heard everything that transpired between the new couple, including the shocking news of their marriage. It started getting off the radar and he knew he had to interrupt. The topic of discussion pulled apart as if they were on fire, both their eyes have darkened with an unquenchable amount of thirst to relish each other. Zafeer was beyond frustrated, a certain part of his body has awakened but that stupid boy ruined the idea of a perfect moment with his matrimonial wife.

"When did you wake up and what did you see Ammar? Don't you dare fool me?" Marwa interrogated and adjusted her hoodie to conceal her red hair, she suddenly became shy.

"I'm afraid I saw and heard everything." He squeezed his face with a mischievous grin.

"You are the worst creature on earth, so shameless. Get out of here now." She centred her pillow and tossed it to him.

"Ouch! I risked my life for you yesterday, what a nice way to repay me. I would have been called Late. Ammar Taufeeq Bulama because of you!" He cried out in pain.

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