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The sky was darkening and soon, it turned into a darker shade of blue, the current has abated and once again, it is the soft sea breeze blowing his hoodie after he left the border. Many soldiers wanted to assist him but the captain refused, he won't risk anybody's life, his is enough.

After spending about three hours on the motorboat, he sighted red lights swaying from afar and as he moved closer, it turned out that the lights were lamps from the enemies' ship. The ship is made of a standard metallic hull and is very gigantic with a metallic mast and mainsail. Zafeer eyed the ship and discovered that it has a name which has almost faded, if not for his good vision, he wouldn't have seen it.

That ship is the Royal Navy's but how did it get to the enemies? His instincts proved him right, there is someone among the soldiers who is helping them.

"Captain Baghdad speaking, come in" He muttered through his walkie-talkie radio, it took a few seconds to get a reply from the other end.

"Yes, why haven't you reached there yet? You are already thirty minutes late Captain" The admiral informed.

"I know that Sir. Keep an eye on the superiors, the enemy is closer to us than we think. Just sighted HMS Victory as the enemies' ship, I knew it was too good to be true when you told me it sank" He mused and scribbled down the newly found information.

The man on the other end gasped but soon covered it with a cough so that the others won't know what is going on, he'll try to make that confidential as the captain requested since the enemy might be among them at the moment.

"What will be your next move now then? I've asked some soldiers to prepare the ship" The man spoke.

"Plans have changed, I'll be the one to sail HMS Victory back to our port with the enemy dead or alive and the slaves freed, it's an oath Sir" Zafeer lowered the walkie-talkie with a fierce look on his face, he didn't even wait to hear what the admiral will say.

And with that new promise, he sped off on the motorboat and reached the enemies' territory in about fifteen minutes. As planned, he knew where all the guards are, the superiors and where the slaves are kept, and their spy which he will meet soon managed to send that information to them. Since the ship is theirs, it made the work easier for him because he has full knowledge of all the escape routes and rooms in the flagship.

"An enemy is here, I heard the sound of a motorboat." He heard the distant shout of a guard when he approached the twenty feet ship.

"Damn!" Zafeer exclaimed and quickly dived into the sea, leaving the motorboat still on but without a clue of who was on it.

Just on cue, he heard gunshots and the red lamps brightened the sea in an attempt to find the intruder but their efforts proved futile. Thanks to the swimming lessons he offered back in primary school, he can now hold his breath for a long time underwater. Captain Baghdad heard a voice, it was muffled but he could swear that it sounded familiar.

"He must have died by now, he can't survive underwater, it's too deep" The man then walked away along with others behind him.

It took the intruder about half an hour to climb the ship and when he did, he brought out a small and shiny dagger, its sharpness would easily scare off a person. He peeked and sighted two guards dressed in navy blue, one of them was even dozing off.

"Here goes nothing" He sighed and threw a small pearl he found on the floor. As he had anticipated, they looked at each other and one of them matched to where the sound came from.

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