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"Stop doing that to my Mami, you are a bad person" A three-year-old Marwa screamed and used her small fists to punch the robust man's knees.

"Marwa stop it, I'm fine and he is not a bad person" A dishevelled Nafisa shouted before another lash of cane was landed on her.

"Get out of here, kiddo" He pushed Marwa off him and she bounced on the ground with a thud before she started crying profusely.

"Leave her out of this please, beat me if you want to, but she is just an innocent kid you are trying to hurt. I know it, you are not in your right frame of mind now and I hope you'll realize who loves you and who doesn't before it's too late" Nafisa shielded her daughter, away from the monster and his obsidian heart.

The man's eyes enlarged as if he was caught stealing. He suddenly became limp, not understanding what was going on with him. He dropped the cane before sauntering out of the room, leaving a devastated mother and her traumatised child to mourn together.

"We are just playing around Marwa, it's something we usually do out of love. He is not a bad person, okay?" Nafisa smiled even though her heart and body were aching in distress. She will be strong for her daughter and her love for the man that beats her.

"Marwa!" She heard a voice, it was so gentle and soothing, filled to the brim with the hope of urging for her to do something.

Her body was lethargic, her eyes felt heavy but she is no coward. She kept fighting the demons that were trying to hold her back from opening her eyes, at last, she fluttered them open, the pain in every fibre of her being welcoming her with open arms.

With hazy eyes, she adjusted to the brightness of the luxurious room that was painted in white and Aegean, her gaze instantly met with Khayr's. Khayr tried so hard to make her talk but no matter how many times she tried to pry her lips open, it was impossible.

"She's awake" She heard Khayr shout excitedly before one person dressed in white came in with a blinding smile that scared her. She started wondering if she is in heaven and he is an angel because of how he serenely sat down on the chair beside her bed.

"Why are you looking at me weirdly? It's prince Turad" He beamed.

Marwa violently tugged at the IV cannula, blood started oozing out of her wrist but she didn't care, her vision was still centred on a certain someone and they looked so much alike.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Turad was alarmed, he was damn worried about Marwa behaving like a mentally unstable person.

"Get him out of here, I said get out" She let out an ear-piercing scream that bewildered both of them.

Zafeer who was contemplating whether to enter or walk away didn't think twice before rushing inside when he heard Marwa's extremely high pitched voice. He rushed to her side and held her tightly. She tried to wiggle out of his hold but her efforts proved futile.

"Get him out of here!" She screamed as the tears came rushing down like a flowing river.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay. Take a deep breath, those tears should stop now" Zafeer softly whispered into her right ear.

He kept repeating the same words and muttering dua's till she relaxed in his arms, he tried to detach himself from her because they were too close but her grasp was too tight.

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