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Zafeer was sitting cross-legged on the maroon royal chair as he calmly gazed at the landlord who was busy pleading for his dear life, he was getting the beating of his life by three well-built bouncers dressed in black with no sign of mercy etched on their faces. He was tied with a rope in an upside-down position.

"I'm extremely sorry your majesty, I swear that I will give all my properties to them, I shouldn't have done that and it was the work of the devil, it will never repeat itself. I will never look her in the eye again, she is out of my league" The man pleaded, he was drenched in his blood and his body was completely distorted.

At this reply, a sadistic smirk appeared on Zafeer's face, making him look dangerously handsome. He adjusted his sitting position and raised his slender fingers with an air of authority that is enough to make the bravest of men intimidated.

"Well, you have finally admitted that we're making progress. Now, confess the mastermind behind all this and I will set you free or should I do it the hard way?" Zafeer inquired with an eloquent expression.

In a situation like this, even though enraged, he will never lose his calm. Marwa taught him well, she was the one who told him about the power that lies in silence and since he started using that, it has been helping him a lot.

"No, your majesty. I will never lie to you, nobody ordered me to do this" He frantically talked.

"I guess I'm too lenient then. Calm down, I don't bite and I don't beat anything but muscles so I have someone willing to serve you a palatable breakfast this morning, she couldn't wait to be called. Gran!" He called softly and the woman fully dressed in her military attire fiercely barged into the room along with five other soldiers behind. Her face was set in a business-like expression, she was pissed.

"I told you to let me take care of this but you are too stubborn" She scolded Zafeer after pulling his ear which yawed red.

"Gran, you take charge now. I am a changed person" He rushed back to his chair before another smack will be landed on him.

The man, seeing a woman who he mistakes for a teenager soon smiled, thinking that his hardship has ended because he has learned that women are soft creatures, not knowing that he has jumped from frying pan to fire.

With just a snap of her fingers, the soldiers along with bouncers mercilessly landed uncontrolled lashes on him, all with thick belts.

"Pity me, dear, you are still young and reckless, please don't use me as a scapegoat" He hiccuped and cracked a rueful smile.

All the people in the room stiffened for a moment, he is flirting with death. If there is anything Rumaisa Muhammad Baghdad despises in the world then it's being called a young person when she is more than sixty years old and atop that, reckless. Ex-Major General Rumaisa Muhammad Baghdad is reckless!

Zafeer was about to talk but she signaled him not to, his monstrous side is resurfacing and he doesn't like it. This is the highest form of disrespect someone could ever give to a queen!

"How old are you?" She calmly asked, one would have mistaken her charming smile for an inviting one.

"I am forty-five dear" He answered with a flirtatious smile, something that vexed her the more.

"I don't wanna do this but to hell" She grabbed him by the collar and slapped him hard then inserted her hand on the left side of his chest where a deep wound was situated, twisting and turning her hand so that it hurts the more.

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