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They have all finished feasting, the elders have moved to the upstairs living room to talk about God knows what and as for the youngsters, everyone was lazily sitting in the living room. Hidayah and Marwa have already started using their phones even though Marwa had to get another SIM card which has already been bought.

"Let's play truth or dare" Shukrah broke the silence.

Zafeer who was stealing glances at Marwa objected because he isn't a game person, not that he has ever played that in his life.

"It's just a game, Casanova" Marwa barked and everyone laughed, he is ecstatic since this made him confirm that she isn't avoiding him.

As for Marwa, she did so to hide the sparks he makes her feel. Loving such a fine specimen is like risking your emotional health, he is born to break many people's hearts and she is not among those people, she will never be.

"Okay, I'm in" He retorted and pocketed his phone.

"Murad in a game? Well, that's a first" Junaid decided to tease his cousin and just as nature has it, Zafeer flushed. His fair skin cheated him because his crimson cheeks were so obvious even from afar.

"Everyone he is blushing" Turad started clapping like a child, Zafeer is done for at home. They will narrate everything to the family members without leaving a single detail out.

"Shut the fuck up" He deadpanned and set his face in a deep frown, watching as Marwa threw her head back and laughed.

"Someone get the bottle, no underaged persons" Marwa narrowed her eyes on two people who looked between themselves before one groaned.

"Who even said I'm going to play?" Hidayah eyed her sister one kind before rising to her feet and making her way upstairs to her room.

"I'm eighteen Adda Marwa or are you scared that I might dare you to go wild again?" Ammar mused and ran away before she could catch him. Yes, there was a time he dared her to go wild on the school basketball pitch during games when everyone is watching, the audience taught that she was possessed because she went and climbed the table of the commentators and danced her heart out. The girl was suspended for a week.

"I see, wild huh?" Zafeer teased, it felt so good to divert the attention to her.

"It was spiritual" She pouted and everyone chuckled, more like laughed, Junaid was even rolling on the carpeted floor.

"Time for some moolah, God knows that I'm broke. The tip of the bottle asks and the bottom answers" Khayr stated the rules and Junaid spun the bottle with his leg, it is a talent he likes to brag about.

The bottle stopped spinning and the tip pointed straight at Ammar with the bottom at Theresa. He grinned devilishly when she responded with a dare. It's an opportunity for him to dare her on what has been on his mind since, he wanted to make it work between her and her parents without intruding.

"Call either Mom or Dad and ask for forgiveness" Ammar set himself in a supine position, he didn't want to see Theresa's nervous expression, he is doing that for her good.

With a thumping heart, Theresa dialled her mother's number and the said woman picked up on the first ring.

"Hello Mummy, please forgive me. I know I've made a lot of mistakes in the past but I am human, I didn't want to be under pressure I followed my heart" She mused, unable to hide back her tears.

"It took you so long to realise that, we were never angry with you dear. We just wanted the best for you and it's good that it made you become independent" It was her father who talked, the mother was in tears.

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