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They are on their way to the airport where Ahmad Rashad's private jet will transport her back to Kano, the guy said he would be responsible for her safety, transportation and accommodation and he did just that. As usual, the two girls were in the backseat and they turned Asiya's husband into a driver, the man has been groaning since they told him about the change of plans. They wanted privacy and for that, he has been blackmailed to drive.

"I'm going to miss you" Asiya cried as she gave Marwa a bone-crushing hug.

"We are not even at the airport yet" Marwa chuckled and gently patted Asiya's back, she was trying so hard not to cry.

She was outfitted in camouflaged sweatpants and a baggy hoodie from the stack of gifts Ahmad blessed her with, the couple gifted her a whole suitcase filled with all kinds of fashion items ranging from clothes, shoes and accessories. He also told her that if anyone tries to defy her about wearing camouflage, she should just dial his emergency number and he'll take it from there.

"Better tell this lachrymose sister of yours" Ahmad spoke and parked his Lexus AC500 in the parking space.

"To be honest, I never thought the panic attacks and nightmares would stop completely, there was a time when I felt suicidal but then my knight saved me once again, you miraculously worked wonders on me. In just two weeks, you have become a huge part of us and God knows I love you just as much as my sisters. Thank you Marwa, I'm immensely grateful and also looking forward to the unofficial visit from you" Asiya still clutched Marwa's hoodie.

"That speech was emotional but you still forgot to wish her one thing" Ahmad turned around and looked at the girls who stared at him with questioning eyes.

"Her future husband's safe return and hopefully his well-being" He gave Marwa a cocky smirk and she returned it with a playful glare. Ever since she confessed her feelings for Zafeer, the guy has been using that against her and that too, at the worst moments.

There was a time when they went to the mall to buy ice cream and watch movies, a handsome guy with good humour and an attractive figure approached her and started making his move. That caught Ahmad's gaze and he stepped in as the protective brother, she still remembered the scene he caused and that made her laugh out loud.

"Brigadier General Ahmad Rashad Mustapha here, who gave you the permission to flirt with my sister?" He brought out his ID card and showed it to the man who looked scared out of his wits.

"S-sorry Sir" The man who was beyond intimidated squeaked.

"If you don't leave this mall right now, I'll have someone to beat the hell out of you. And again, do not let me cross paths with you again or else, I'll do much worse now run off" And just like that, the man ran at his fastest speed away from them and the mall in general. Asiya and Marwa kept laughing by the side.

"Oh yes, I forgot that he is going--" Asiya was about to mistakenly spill the beans when her husband shushed her with a light peck, the girl can be foolish at times.

"I mean he is going to cross the border today" She awkwardly corrected.

"Why do I have the feeling that you wanted to say something else?" Marwa set her lips in a straight line.

CHASING MARWAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora