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The sound of expensive chinawares was heard dropping to the floor and smashing to pieces as a furious young lady paced back and forth like a madwoman. She felt like a dragon, her whole body quivering with a strong urge to punch the wall.

"No! This isn't real, it must be a chimaera. I was supposed to be that model while he dotes on me not that bitch" Nawal Ishaq Makama stared at their pictures which were all over social media, the caption making her more enraged than ever.

"Talented model Marwa looking breathtaking as she rocks the spotlight with the title of first Miss Africa in S.I.B."

That was the caption on the slide of pictures displaying only Marwa who looked so beautiful and natural, her grey orbs contrasting her complexion. And on the second slide where her and Zafeer's pictures were posted, the caption got even more intriguing. It was the picture where both of them centered their eyes on the camera with natural expressions on their faces as he gently held her shoulders.

"Power couple! Am I the only one who shipped them together? The guy doesn't look like a Nigerian, who is he? Someone should please tag him, we need to go on an interview with him because many girls have been inquiring about who he is"

"Bullshit! How could he have done that even with all my threats? And that moron, I will disgrace her for good. By God, I must end her life" She yelled just as her father and mother who heard her shouts from the living room came rushing to the kitchen.

She requested a two days holiday after finishing her one week task which she performed diligently because she thought Zafeer was under her control. Nawal was in the kitchen practising how to cook the perfect tabbouleh--since she learnt from Zafeer's grandmother that it's his best Arabian dish when in reality, it's quite the opposite--when a spy she made in the company called to inform her about the trending people on social media.

"Nawal what is it? Why are you behaving like this?" Her father held the girl who was protesting to wiggle out of his hold as her mother switched off the hot plate.

"Father I was supposed to be the girl in that attire but that stupid witch prevented me from going to Abuja to take care of my career all in the name of teaching me etiquette. I should have known that it was a trap, I will end their lives and be the reason they drift apart, that I bet on my life" Nawal kept balling her eyes out till they made it to the living room where Hamida was behaving like a psychopath.

"Can you shut up? You are the cause of our downfall, you are the reason I am in this state and yet you don't care about anyone but yourself. You destroyed me in an attempt to build yourself" She then attacked her niece who defended herself to the best of her ability.

It was a hilarious yet tedious sight filled with humiliation. The girl soon tackled her aunt to the ground, both women lost all rationality as they continuously rolled on the floor, the sight looked like a catfight but it was much more than that.



The governor slapped both his niece and younger sister who stopped what they were doing and looked at him, more like glaring at him as he scolded them.

"Hamida when are you going to understand that you are no more a teenager? You are a queen in the making but here you are, fighting with your niece for goodness sake. We are not supposed to be fighting like this, you have to understand that we are a team. For things to be back in our favour, we have to share our ideas because the minute thee royals discover our secret, then we are done for." He yelled and the place went pin-drop silence.

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