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In a white room came different scents from various traditional skincare products, five expert women were taking their time to spank, wax, rub this and that, adjust the room temperature and even mix more paste, all in the name of skincare and that too, on one person.

It's been seven days since the last event, Marwa is still haunted by Yahanasu's death, not that she'll speak to anyone about it. They will say the same thing all over again, she is not at fault which is true but the guilty conscience still wouldn't allow her to live. As for Lamido, he has been taken to where he deserves, the kirikiri prison.

Back in the room, the Queen's eyes were covered with two slices of cucumber while the face and hair mask was being applied. It's been one week since her skincare journey began, she didn't like the process one bit. Her grandmother has made sure to place restrictions on her, she can't be seen by anyone except her and her mother. Yes, in Baghdad's family dynasty, that's the most hectic part of their tradition that comes with marrying a male from that family.

Now, she hasn't seen her husband or anyone for a good one week, not even a phone to speak to him. Luckily, it all ends today because the events will be starting. The last day she heard Zafeer's voice was when he was asked to lead the congregation of Friday prayer in Kano state's central mosque, as the king, it is part of the laws. That day, hearts were broken, and people fell deeply in love while that single voice motivated many non-Muslims to convert. All because of the beauty of the Qur'an and how the person flawlessly recited it. What do you expect from someone who has spent almost two decades in Saudi Arabia?

A rustling of keys was heard just as the hair was being blow-dried and curled to waves, it was twice as dark and silky, so long that it almost reached her butt, the hair locks made her stand out in perfection.

"The event is going to start in an hour, be fast." The voice commanded.

"Yes, queen mother." The eldest among all of them responded with a bow.

"Gran, when will I get out of here?" Marwa let out a cry, her sounds became muffled when the bitterness of the turmeric paste mistakenly met her tongue.

"You heard my last statement," Rumaisa spoke and left like flash, the said woman hasn't even bathed, she is still in her sleeping robe. It's her chamber, after all, that's where no one can invade under her nose so it's the most trusted place for Marwa. Knowing Zafeer, he can go to any lengths to break rules and see his wife, even his grandmother has to be extremely conscious.

Soon, she felt her naked body being lifted and placed in a bathtub filled with warm milk and rose petals along with other incense. Marwa was being scrubbed and washed up diligently in milk before a water bath was given to her. Her hair was tied up in a bun, a bathrobe was also used to cover her up. She released a huge breath, feeling refreshed and good all of a sudden, like someone who just survived a near-death experience.

"Your highness, you have very beautiful skin, it is with great pleasure that we got to work on it. Will you mind if we give you this as a wedding gift?" She looked at the elderly woman with a confused stare.

Why are they kneeling for a youngster like her after they just finished giving her the torture of her life? Nevertheless, she used cautious hands to collect the huge gift box from them, not knowing that she collected something that'd be the cause of her greatest trouble yet.

"T-Thank you." She muttered before keeping it beside some skincare products.

"This should be applied every day, it's the best attar in the whole world and can be dated back to the ancient Indian skincare products. For now, let's apply it for you." A medium-sized bottle was then brought out from the side bag of one of the elderly women.

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