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John says "I will give you the strength to go on with your life Lucy" Emily says "John I can heal you stop you from dying let me save you" John says "No thank you I want to die in battle I can't stand the idea of dying by something outside of battle take care and come closer" She gets closer to John he kisses her and says "I promised to reward you with a kiss for protecting everyone and the case I couldn't die without keeping my word but now I can die in peace" John dies everyone calls out his name. They are sad to see him go the surviveing members of Heaven arrive they say "To John you were a great man probably the best man to ever live you were a hero a very well liked guy always happy very attractive but never settled down you were a warrior a protector you were the symbol of hope to everyone you died saving the Earth I can't think of a death better suited for a man like you we wish you a safe journey to the after life we will never forget you" They all salute John and leave. John comes back to life he says "I have one last thing that I need to do before i die" John creates a clone of himself and tranfers his life to the clone so that way it will be there when he dies he lives on in his clone as he dies. John's clone says "Now than let's burry my body than return home" Lucy spots a ring on John's hand and she realizes that he is wearing the ring of Life which gives the wearer the abillity to live on through something they create as long as they use it before death.

The Legacy of John book 4 The BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now