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Fred loads a bullet into the shotgun and carries the three remaining ones with him back into the Hospital as he looks for Yuno. Yuno is stabbed in the gut with the axe and than her left leg. The Killer says "Any last words?" Yuno yells out as loud as she can "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" The Killer than says "Time to die!" The Killer gets ready to swing the axe and cut off Yuno's head when they are shot by Fred using his shotgun. The killer falls to the ground Fred puts in the next bullet and shoots the Killer a second time he puts in the third bullet and smiles. He shoots the Killer a third time with the shotgun and loads the last bullet into the gun and shoots the Killer a fourth time. He drops the shotgun to the floor and takes out an SMG from a pocket dimension and starts to shoot once again at the Killer. The Killer manages to throw the axe at Yuno it hits her in the left arm. Fred runs out of ammo he goes to Yuno and says "You should have stayed outside like I told you and now your life will end in four minutes maybe less" Yuno says "Stay with me until I die I don't want to die alone" Fred says "Fine I will stay here until you die" Fred stays by Yuno's side until she dies. Fred slowly walks out of the Hospital and looks at building remembering his friends before getting in the drivers seat of the car and driving away. A half hour later he notices the Killer in the backseat of the car they hold an army knife up and goes to stab Fred.

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