Chapter 74

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After their evening meal the boys decided to sit by the pool and have a few drinks seeing as the weather was still so nice. "What do you think about the hotel staff?" Kuroo asked looking around to see if he could read anyone's expression before they answered his question.

"The bar managers a dick" Iwa replied. "Damn, don't hold back Iwa chan" Kawa chuckled much to Iwa's annoyance.

"The grey haired, tattooed guy is kinda hot" Suna replied. "Yeah he is" Tendou added. "No I love Kiyoshi, he's so cute and shy, such a nice boy" Makki cooed. "I feel bad for him" Kenma mumbled. "Why do you feel bad for him?" Kuroo asked. "The others seem to pick on him, it's a shame and he's definitely gay but too scared to say anything".

"I think that we should fix him up with one of our friends from college" Atsumu suggested feeling a little excited at the prospect of playing the matchmaker. "Have you noticed how Suki looks at him? She definitely has feelings for him and I feel a little sad because she's also such a lovely person" Oikawa added, "we should find someone for her". "Does anyone have any people to put forward" Makki asked suddenly loving the whole idea of this. They all shook their heads, this obviously needed more thought.

"Okay, I want everyone to have a name and image for the people that we're going to consider for Kiyoshi and Suki" Suga informed the group, "but now I need to sleep" the grey haired boy yawned, grabbing his boyfriends hand and pulling him to his feet.

"Wait" Atsumu shouted, "the photo shoot starts tomorrow at 8am so make sure that you're up, have eaten and be in reception ready to start at 8 sharp. Now everyone sleep well and I'll see you all in the morning."

The boys said their good nights and retired to their suites for some well deserved rest.

Kiyoshi was busy tidying the restaurant while the other three men just sat and watched him. "Oi, princess" Touma shouted, "make sure that you finish up before you go to bed." The brunette bowed and answered, "yes Touma san" as he continued with his work.

"Do any of you have any thoughts on our guests?" Touma smirked.
"I like the little blonde" Hideo answered. "He's very pretty, but I prefer the gorgeous dark haired boy that's always with him. I think his name is Akaashi" Touma mused. "What about you Habiki?" he asked.

"I like the guy they call Iwa" he responded, "and his boyfriend's hot too. Imagine having a threesome with those two" he smirked.

"Hey, Kiyoshi. Do you like any of the guests?" Hideo asked, knowing that this line of questioning would fluster the brunette. "They're all really nice" he replied with a genuine smile. "No dude" Habiki sniggered, "who do you think his hot?"

The brunette looked extremely embarrassed but he knew that they wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't answer, so he cleared his throat and answered, "Suga and Atsumu".

"I knew that you'd be into the pretty ones. You're so obvious dude" Habiki laughed loudly. "I'm just saying that they're all really nice and you shouldn't objectify them, it's very disrespectful" the brunette mumbled. "Fuck you" Habiki spat, "you'e such a pussy, grow a set will you before it's too late, virgin."

Everyone laughed and got up and walked away leaving the brunette to do all the work again, although he should be used to it now as it was a regular occurrence. They made the mess and Kiyoshi cleaned it up, it was no fun being like this but he'd get his revenge, sooner rather than later.

NOTE : I'd like to ask for suggestions of other characters from Haikyuu that can be brought into the story to be Kiyoshi and Suki's love interest. Tysm x

THEY MET AT THE BEACHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon