Chapter 97

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Terushima ran as fast as his legs could carry him although his vision was blurry. 'Stop crying you stupid idiot' he growled under his breath, he didn't want anyone to see him in this state especially Kiyoshi. If there was a time that the brunette needed someone to be strong it was now, he needed a rock so that's exactly what Terushima was going to be.

As the boys room came into view Teru slowed down to a stop as he brushed his fingers against the door handle but pulled back quickly, his anxiety rose within as he took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Three pairs of eyes turned to look at him, two smiling and the remaining set were tearful and pleading. "Yuji" the brunette breathed out as his voice faltered.

"Baby, I'm so glad you're okay" the blonde sobbed as he ran towards his lover, engulfing him in a tight embrace. He wasn't expecting the yelp that came from the brunette, who was obviously in alot of pain.

" Oh my God I'm so sorry did I hurt you" Teru asked whilst checking over his boufriends body, he noticed cuts and bruises everywhere, it was heartbreaking to see him in this broken state but at least he was alive and most importantly the boy remembered him. The pair cuddled closer on the bed whilst peppering each others faces with the softest of kisses.

"Let's leave them alone and ring the others" Kuroo said pulling Kenma gently through the door and into the sterile corridor, "I bet they're all really worried." The small blonde nodded and smiled as he began to dial his best friend, Akaashi.

Back at the hotel the others waited patiently for some news, any news as long as it was happy. The phone rang once but was amswered virtually straight away.

"Kenma" Akaashi whimpered, "I've been so worried about you. Are you ok?" " Yes" the small blonde replied.

"Is that Kenma?" squealed Oikawa and Atsumu. "Bitches, be quiet" ordered a nervous Suga. "Is he ok?" shouted Tendou.

"Tell them I'm fine and so is Kiyoshi. The doctors have said that I can leave tomorrow but Kiyoshi will need to be monitored for a few more days."

Kuroo could see that his boyfriend was beyond exhausted so he took the phone, said their goodbyes and returned to the blondes hospital bed for the evening.

"Do you really think that they're ok?" whispered Akaashi as he lay in bed entangled in his lovers arms. "They're both a lot stronger than you think" Bokuto replied whilst rubbing Akaashi's back as he tried to get the pretty dark haired boy to calm down, close his eyes and sleep for the evening.

"I really love you Kaashi and I'm always going to be here for you" Bokuto murmured as he kissed the boys cheek and watched him drift off into slumber.

"I really thought I'd lost you" Teru whispered to the brunette who lay beside him. "You're not going to get away from me that easily" Kiyoshi giggled. "Good, don't scare me again like that, I don't think my heart could take it."

"I promise you Terushima Yuji, I don't plan on doing anything like that again" he smiled.

"Move in with me" the blonde blurted out to the shocked brunette. "You've only known me for such a short time. Are you sure that's what you want?" Kiyoshi replied, holding his breath.

"I've never been as sure of anything in my entire life. So...will you move in with me?"

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