Chapter 72

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Oikawa and Atsumu walked back towards the others who were currently on their third round of cocktails. "What the fuck" Atsumu grumbled, "no one thought to get me and Kawa a drink?" "We did think about it" Makki gasped, "but then we thought why bother" and without thinking twice he made a run for it before Atsumu could take his revenge.

"Okay, will everyone listen please" Kawa waved trying to get everyone's attention but failing until Suga shouted, "zip it and let my bestie speak." Everyone shut up immediately. "There you go babe they're all yours" the silver haired boy winked at his friend. "Damn Suga, you're a scary ass bitch" Tendou laughed. "Me, I'm an angel" Suga smiled sweetly.

"Let's try this again" Kawa began, "there are four presidential suites that they want us to try out whilst we're here. The suites contain 2 double bedrooms so we've decided that Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi and Bokuto can share suite One. Ushijima, Tendou, Matsun and Makki will share suite Two." " OMFG this is gonna be hilarious" the redhead laughed.

"Simmer down" Atsumu shouted, "Kawa, Iwa, Daichi and Suga will share suite Three and Osamu, Suna, Omi and I will share suite Four."

The boys were given door passes and sent off to their rooms to settle down and unpack before meeting in the lobby to have their evening meals in one of the hotels five restaurants.

The lady who greeted the boys got all of her staff together for a meeting to ensure that they knew exactly what was expected of them. " You must treat those gentlemen as if they were the actual V.I.P's that we will be hosting once the resort is open. Nothing is too much trouble. Do you understand?" "Yes Ma'am" they all replied in unison as she left.

"God, they're all so hot" the blonde haired receptionist sighed. "You've no chance" the smaller brunette replied. "None of you stand a chance" the head barman laughed, "they are gay as fuck, I've more chance with them than you have." "Hey, that's mean" the blonde replied. "But true" the head waiter replied.

The boys were all so excited as they waited for the two elevators that they were in to open out onto the top floor of the building and when the doors opened they weren't disappointed. They all spilled out, shouting and laughing, even the hallway was luxurious they couldn't even imagine what the suites would be like. Each group of four ran to their rooms, counted to three and then opened the doors at the same time whilst squealing loudly as they disappeared inside.

After spending the afternoon and early evening unpacking and taking selfies off balconies and photographing all of the rooms amenities the boys showered, changed and made their way down to the lobby. When everyone was gathered together the lady who greeted them earlier that afternoon appeared.

"Hi everyone, we've decided to seat you in the Italian restaurant tonight, if that's okay with everyone?"she asked. The boys all nodded. "We'll accommodate you in a different restaurant each evening for the first 5 nights and then after that you can decide where you would like to eat at next. Before we do I would like the opportunity to introduce the the small group of staff members that will be looking after you during your stay."

Oikawa and Atsumu thanked her and the introductions began.

"I am Shintarou Megumi and I am the hotel manager, everything goes through me and I will be available for you along with the rest of my staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next two weeks.

"My head receptionist is Rika, if you think of anything that you need but the hotel doesn't have it she will personally hunt the item down and ensure that you have everything that you require to enjoy your stay"

" The other receptionist is Suki, she will arrange excursions for you and liaise with your photographer and stylists."

"Why are they all so pretty?" Kenma whispered to Akaashi. "I don't know and it's making me feel a little insecure the dark haired boy replied. "Fuck, if you feel insecure how the hell do you think I feel" Kenma snapped.

Megumi began to speak again, "Okay, our head barman and qualified mixologist is Touma. He can make whatever cocktail comes to mind and some that even don't" she chuckled whilst fluttering her eyelashes at the handsome man. He however was looking elsewhere.

"The other three guys are Kiyoshi" she said pointed at an obviously shy brunette. "Oh my God, he's so cute" Makki whispered as Matsun looked on a little annoyed that his lover would acknowledge something like that.

"This is Habiki, our heart breaker " she said whilst pointing out an extremely confident blonde with a sneer on his face. However even though he was an obvious dick he was still extremely handsome.

"The last hunk is our hot and edgy city boy Hideo" she cooed as the others looked on at the grey haired, tattooed man. "Dayum" squealed Suna and Tendou at the same time.

"Okay gentlemen, that's it for tonight. Kiyoshi will lead the way" and with that she left. The boys got up and followed the brunette to the restaurant, laughing and chatting along the way.

"Well the prey is extremely fine this time" person one whispered to their friend. "Let the games commence" the other replied......

Hello .. instead of letting you imagine what the staff members look like and what their personalities are I've decided to post pictures of them on the next page.

I hope you like them, but not too much ....

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