Chapter 55

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Suga heard a noise behind him but before he had time to turn around he was bludgeoned in the head and everything around him went dark.

The boy could hear muffled voices but no matter how he tried to open his eyes he couldn't. He realised that he had some sort of tight covering, a blindfold that kept him in total darkness. He tried to sit up but realised that his hands and feet were shackled, moving them just resulted in pain as they were obviously put on too tightly which resulted in deep cuts around his wrists and ankles.

He tried to free himself but the incessaent pain and blood loss led to his unconsciousness on more than one occasion. He couldn't tell how long he'd been there as everything was dark but he knew that he was becoming dehydrated and needed water soon. Then he heard foot steps that seemed to be coming down what sounded like wooden steps and then he heard the door unlock.

"What the actual fuck are you trying to do?" A female voice shouted. "What? I did what I was told. I snatched him off the street and brought him here" a man replied.

"You're fucking dead" the women growled. "He's gonna kill you when he see's the condition that you've left him in and you really don't wanna piss him off. I mean he's committed murder for less" she continued.

"Shit, what should I do?" the man asked. "Go get the medical kit, some soap, towels, water, something for him to eat and some clean clothing. And while you're at it, take the fucking shackles and blindfold off him" she screamed.

Suga could feel someone take of the shackles and blindfold but he was too scared to open his eyes. He scuttled into a corner to make himself smaller, he was terrified.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you" the women said in a calming voice. She looked older than she sounded and she gave the impression that she could definitely look after herself, like she could give any man a good beat down. Suga didn't know why but she looked familiar, had he seen this woman before?

He was jolted from his thoughts when he heard the footsteps on the stairs, it was the man from before, Suga didn't like the way he looked at him. He was creepy like he could look right into your soul. He handed some items to the woman and then left, just as quickly as he had arrived.

The woman cleaned and dressed Suga's wounds, gave him food, water and clean clothes to change into and then left him on the bed that he had previously been shackled to. The boy realised that he was in a basement, it looked like the walls had been soundproofed so he realised that there was no point screaming, plus he didn't have the energy for that.

He eventually fell asleep thinking of Daichi and his friends, would he ever see them again?

He wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep for as there were no windows, just a dim light from a small lamp in the corner and then he heard it, muffled shouting coming from above.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, HURTING HIM LIKE THAT?" he heard someone shout. He heard the man from before pleading, "I'm really sorry boss, it was the only way I could get him off the street quickly. Please, don't."

Then he heard it, numerous gun shots and then a loud thud. His eyes widened as he realised what had happened, the man from earlier had been shot and probably killed.

The panic rose within him, tears began to form, his breathing became erratic as he vomited all over the floor next to him, was he gonna be next? Would he ever see his boyfriend and his friends again?

Then he heard footsteps gradually getting closer. He was so scared that he crawled as near to the wall as possible and got into the foetal position just as the door opened.

"Hi Suga" a voice said quietly. 'Wait, he knew that voice' he thought to himself. He opened his eyes and looked at the person who had just addressed him, a broken sob leaving his body.

No, it couldn't be him.....

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