Chapter 89

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Kiyoko gathered everyone around to go over what they needed to do to accomplish a successful search. "Okay everyone I've checked the hotel surveillance cameras and unfortunately they cut off as Kenma left you all and they haven't come back on since."

"There's something really sus going on here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it" Teru informed everyone. "I think it will be best if we split into groups of two to search each area"" he continued, "but I don't want any of the staff included." Yachi looked a little confused, "why? Do you think they're involved?" "Don't you?" asked Konoha. "What about Kiyoko and Kiyoshi?" she asked looking at her newest love interest. "They're family, they're not involved in this" Teru finished.

Everyone was given a search area and away they went.

The room was quiet apart from Kenma's sniffles, "what are they gonna do with us Akaashi? Are they gonna kill us?" he whispered so as not to alert any of their captors. "No they won't. I'll protect you" replied an anxious Akaashi who was trying to calm the small blonde down but was failing miserably.

"I suppose I can tell you now" Akaashi began, "but a few days ago I received a note basically saying that if I didn't do what would he asked of me then you, Kuroo and Bokuto would pay the price with your lives." Kenma looked at his friend with a look of utter panic. "Did they include a photo of Kuroo and I sleeping with a weapon against one of our heads?" "How did you know?" Akaashi gasped. "Because they did the same to me" the small blonde answered.

"Shut up" shouted one of their captors as he pushed through the door. The pair couldn't tell who he was as he was wearing a mask and a hoodie that covered his hair and arms completely so as not to show any identifying marks.

The boys both became silent except for the soft whimpers coming from Kenma, the boy was terrified. The only thing stopping Akaashi from acting the same was as the small blonde was his intense, burning rage that he felt at the men holding them captive and upsetting Kenma so much.

The man walked passed Akaashi and grabbed Kenma by the arm so that he could untie him from his binds and take him into another room. "No" cried a shaking Kenma. "Shut up bitch" he spat back whilst getting rougher with the small boy.

"Leave him the fuck alone, you bitch ass mother fucker" Akaashi screamed. Even Kenma was shocked, he had never seen the pretty dark haired boy like this, it was scary. Akaashi's face was bright red, his eyes wide and the veins in his neck bulging.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to whore" the man shouted back. "Let me out of these binds fucker and I'll show you" he screamed. He wasn't expecting what came next but he felt cold metal hit the side of his head and then everything went dark.

"No no no no, you've killed him" screamed an hyperventilating Kenma as he tried to struggle out of the mans grasp but instead the door opened and they were joined by another captor.

"What the fuck have you done dude" he shouted at the man who was currently manhandling Kenma. "He was cursing at me, it pissed me off" the other answered. "You know he'll be pissed when he sees that you've marked Akaashi's face, don't you?" The man holding Kenma rolled his eyes and made a "tsk" sound.

All the while they were talking Kenma was getting louder and louder, "shut him up before he draws attention up here" the new man ordered, "but do it without hurting him. I have tape, so use this. We're meeting the others in the caves below the hotel so hurry." With that he left.

The man holding Kenma put tape over his mouth and around his wrists and ankles and threw him over his shoulder. The last thing that the blonde saw when being taken out of the room was his unconscious friend, taped to a chair and dripping blood from an head wound.

'Done give up Akaashi please" Kenma thought to himself, "I promise you that I'll find a way to get us both out of here. I love you Keiji' .....

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