Chapter 65

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Everyone had noticed that Ushijima and Tendou still hadn't come back even after the movie had finished. "What are they doing?" Kenma asked. "Derr, if you don't know that you must be a little dense" Bokuto laughed. "Dude!" Kuroo exclaimed, "don't talk to Kenma like that." Bokuto's eyes widened, "I didn't mean it like that, I promise." "It's fine, don't worry about it" the small blonde answered, merrily playing away on his switch.

"Should we go and listen?" Makki laughed as his eyes sparkled with mischief. "Leave them alone" Suga ordered. "No way" Makki laughed, already running towards Tendou and Ushijima's room with Matsun running behind him, chuckling loudly.

"I swear those two are so difficult to deal with" Akaashi complained. "We should all spy on them, the next time that they try and play 'hide the sausage" Kuroo laughed loudly. "You're too much dude" the grey haired boy gasped whilst trying to catch his breath at the same time as laughing hysterically.

Matsun got to Ushijima and Tendou's room to find Makki with his ear pressed up against the door, his face contorted as he tried to hear what was going on inside the room. "Oi, hear anything?" the dark haired boy asked. "No I think we're too late" the other whined back. Matsun walked over and placed his ear on the door, listening intently. "Too late, bitches" Tendou shouted.

"We'll get you next time" Makki shouted. "Nah ah" Tendou laughed loudly, "not if I get you first."

The movie was just about to start when the chaotic duo came back looking defeated and plopped back were they were originally sitting. "No luck bro?" Kuroo asked. "Nah, they'd already done the deed" Makki grumbled.

"You're just a pair of horny ass fuckers, aren't you" Iwa interjected. "Iwa chan, you're so funny" Makki laughed putting on his best Oikawa voice. He shut up when he was greeted with two pairs of eyes angrily looking at him. He shivered, "fuck, you two are scary".

The boys eventually calmed down and began to watch the horror classic 'The Ring', well most of them did. Oikawa, Atsumu and Bokuto watched it through their fingers and screamed at every jump scare and Kenma continued to play happily on his game.

Iwa and Sakusa thought it was so cute how their boyfriends jumped and got even closer as the scary movie unfolded. Iwa had the wind knocked out of him at one particular point as Kawa jumped onto his lap and buried his face in Iwa's chest. "Kawa, if you pull me any closer you'll be inside me" the dark haired boy laughed. Kawa looked at him with a devilish look on his face, "you could just ask outright, Iwa chan, if you'd like to be a bottom tonight." "Fuck you" Iwa mumbled. "Yes please" Kawa laughed as the other boy slapped him playfully.

"Oh my God. Do you people ever think about anything, other than sex?" Matsun shouted with a fake gasp. "It's disgraceful" Makki chimed in, "I was innocent until these degenerates led me astray".

"What the fuck did we just walk into" Tendou chuckled. Everyone turned to look at the couple. "Nice rest?" Suna asked sarcastically. "Mmh, just what I needed to relieve the tension" the redhead smirked, " you should try it sometime. I mean there's nothing like being slammed against the wall and fu...." Ushijima glared at the boy, "I think they get the idea, Satori." " Sorry Ushi" he replied whilst suggestively grinning at the others.

"I think it's time for bed" Iwa chuckled whilst pulling Kawa to his feet. "But, Iwa chan it's only 8:30!"

"Definitely time for bed" Suga gasped as Daichi kissed his neck. "Okay everyone, thank you for watching and good night," the grey haired boy laughed as everyone shot off in different directions.

"Yes" Tendou laughed, "we have the t.v and the snacks all to ourselves." "Or we could just go back to our room" Ushijima grinned pulling the boy towards him.

"Oh hell yeah" the redhead shouted.......

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