Chapter 62

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Everyone finished eating and got changed into comfortable clothing and sat around the screening area while Atsumu brought out popcorn and candy and Suna brought drinks.

"Ok before we settle down Suga needs to pick 3 movie categories" Kawa instructed. " Okay we'll have Superhero's, Anime movie and Horror" the silver haired boy smirked knowing that his friends hated horror movies. "Suga, really?" Akaashi wailed, " you know that I hate scary movies." "Keiji you have your big, strong boyfriend to protect you" he replied. "Yeah, but who's gonna protect him" Kuroo laughed. "Fuck you bro" Bokuto growled.

"Okay, we need to finish Kiss, fuck, kill first" Suna pointed out. Whose turn is it to pick who goes next?" "I think it's me" Suga answered, "so I'll pick Akaashi and you have to choose between Kuroo, Bokuto and Suna."

Akaashi looked at his three choices and decided, "I'd kiss Suna, Fuck Bokuto." "HELL YEAH BABY" Bokuto shouted. "Wait, that means that you'd kill me" Kuroo whined. "Sorry but you and Bokuto are just too loud together and I don't think that I could live without that 'D' Akaashi laughed as Bokuto looked like he was malfunctioning.

"Okay next up is Tendou and his choices are Oikawa, Suga and Sakusa. "Oooooo, let me think,"the red head mused as a frowny Ushijima looked on. "What's that face for Ushi? You know that you would always be my first choice, so don't worry" " Okay Satori" Ushijima replied, his face dusted a pink colour. "I'd kiss Kawa, fuck Suga, because I can imagine him being wild in bed". "Err excuse me" Daichi spluttered as Suga looked at him with a smirk on his face. Daichi just shrugged and nodded, "Yeah I agree" he continued. "I guess that means you're killing me" Sakusa sighed. "It's not personal bro" the redhead laughed.

"Okay next is Kawa and his choices are Kuroo, Suga and Ushijima. "I don't want to kiss or fuck anyone else now that I have Iwa chan" the brunette whined. "It's okay Tooru, I know it's only a game" Iwa answered pulling him closer. After a few minutes he replied, I'd kiss Kuroo, fuck Suga because who wouldn't and kill Ushijima only because Tendou would kick my ass if I said anything else." "Yeah I would babe" the redhead laughed.

" The next person is Suna and your choices are Osamu, Atsumu and Makki" "Oh my God, you're pitting the twins against each other" Bokuto gasped. "Well, I'd kiss Makki because I've heard he's a really good kisser." Matsun smirked and answered while wiggling his eyebrows "I can confirm that statement". "That's not all I'm good at, is it babe?" the pink haired boy replied. "Will you two turn down the horny and let Suna continue" Suga ordered. Suna smiled at the grey haired boy and continued, "I'd fuck Osamu and kill Atsumu." " No fair" Atsumu wailed.

"Next up is Daichi and his choices are Iwa, Kuroo and Matsun". "Why have I only got a choice out of my bros?" Daichi sulked. "Just do it bro" Bokuto groaned, "we're never going to get to the movies at this rate." "Okay, I guess I'd kiss Iwa, Fuck Kuroo and kill Matsun". " Why does everyone of you fuckers want to kill me?"Matsun whined. "I just picked you in the order you were given to me" Daichi replied, "I mean why would I want to fuck any of you three when I have Suga? I mean he's gorgeous." "Well said babe" Suga replied, kissing his boyfriend on the lips, "you'll get your reward later" he said with a wink.

"The next victim is Bokuto and his choices are Akaashi, Suna and Kenma." "I'd kiss Akaashi and fuck Aka..." "Oi" Kuroo growled, "not fair dude." Bokuto rolled his eyes and answered, "I'd kiss Kenma, sorry Kurobro, Fuck Akaashi and kill Suna. Nothing personal dude but we haven't spoken much." "It's fine Bokuto, don't worry about it" Suna laughed.

"Ushijima you're next" Bokuto began, "and your choices are Iwa, Sakusa and Suna". Tendou could tell that the boy was nervous so he got up and sat on his lap and whispered in his ear, "it's okay Toshi, it doesn't matter who you choose because I know who you're gonna fuck tonight" he then ran his tongue along the shell of the boys ear, rilling him up in the process. The boy eventually caught his breath and gave his answer, "kiss Suna, fuck Sakusa and kill Iwa because I think Kawa would kill me if I didn't". Kawa looked at the two boys and smiled knowingly.

"Last but not least is Sakusa and his choices are Tendou, Kenma and Osamu".

"Let me think" the boy mused. "I think it would be kiss Kenma because he's so innocently cute, fuck Tendou because the man's hot and kill Osamu as it wold be hella weird getting it on with you boyfriends twin." "Good answer Omi, I would have picked exactly the same scenario. "Well derr" Makki laughed you wouldn't want to be kissing your twin or worse still fu...". "Ew don't even say it" the twins screeched.

"Okay everyone I think it may be movie time and I think we should watch the anime movie first" Suga suggested. "Yeah but which one?" Kawa asked. "I've decided on a movie about a band and how the guys fall in love with each other. It's called Given - The Movie. Atsumu turn the lights down and lets begin" the grey haired boy smiled, God he was so happy to be back with his friends.

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