Chapter 43

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The boys tried frantically to put the fire out to enable them to reach Oikawa and Iwaizumi and eventually they managed to douse the flames around the door.

Suga rushed forward but was pulled back by Daichi, "please stay here with the others, you've been through enough. Let some of us bigger guys go in just in case they need carrying out."

"He's my friend" Suga screamed hysterically, "he kept me from doing something stupid when Kyo died. I can't leave him." He collapsed on the ground and was immediately encircled by Kenma, Akaashi, Tendou, Atsumu, Suna and Makki. They all watched as their boyfriends ran into the burning building.

The smoke was getting thicker and creaking noises could be heard intermittently and then the sound of sirens. Two fire engines, two ambulances and numerous police cars arrived on the scene and the people inside went into 'life saving' mode.

One of the fireman went towards the boys on the beach, "is there anyone in there" he shouted, hoping beyond hope that the property was empty but knowing the answer without any words being spoken just by looking on the boys faces.

"Please hurry, eight of our friends are in there" Tendou sobbed as Suna rubbed his back gently whilst trying to hide the fact that he himself wasn't coping with the thought of losing Osamu and the others.

After dampening the flames, to where it was safe to enter the building, five fire fighters went in. Five minutes later they emerged with Sakusa, Ushijima, Matsun, Osamu, Kuroo and Bokuto, all were slightly the worse for wear but they walked out be themselves and were greeted enthusiastically and then they realised that Daichi, Iwa and Kawa were still inside.

The boys turned to look at Suga who was trembling violently and mumbling to himself, 'No you've already taken one from me. You've got Kyo, I won't let you take Daichi from me'. It was heartbreaking to see him like that, so once again the boys surrounded him, holding him tightly and then it happened.

Daichi emerged carrying Iwa, who was coughing uncontrollably. "Daichi" Suga screamed as he ran towards the dark haired boy, but then he stopped dead in his tracks when he realised that Oikawa was still inside.

Iwaizumi was taken to an ambulance and put on oxygen but tried to run back inside when he realised that his boyfriend was still inside, "Tooru.... please Tooru, where are you" he screamed.

A few minutes later Oikawa was carried out of the building, he was unconscious and had received a few minor burns so he was taken to the other ambulance and he and Iwa were rushed to the nearest hospital. The boys wanted to follow but needed to be questioned by the police.

Eventually the blaze was put out as the boys all sat quietly whilst holding on to each other an odd sniffle heard here and there.

A detective walked in and sat with them and asked, "who do you think did this?" Suga looked angrily at him, "Tachibana Ryu did this. He's Oikawa's abusive ex and was only arrested yesterday after we found out that he'd placed hidden camera's everywhere and was watching us but you let him escape."

"I'm so sorry" he began but was interrupted by a police officer, "we've just found this guy loitering outside near a camper van and when we confronted him we found petrol, empty bottles, matches and rags obviously to make Molotov cocktails and something really weird..."

"Come on man spit it out" the Detective growled, losing his temper. "Well there was also a blonde and brown wig, a surfer fake tattoo transfer and a man's ring."

"What the fuck!!!!!" Suga shouted, "he's been pretending to be Kyo".

A loud gasp could be heard......

THEY MET AT THE BEACHWhere stories live. Discover now