Chapter 57

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" We've found him!" Daichi was so happy to hear those words. It was like he could breathe again, he broke down, sobbing loudly as the others looked on.

"Daichi, what is it, please tell us he's okay" Oikawa pleaded as he freaked out completely. Everyone looked on with bated breath, they couldn't lose their Koushi, their kind, funny, loving Koushi.

"They've found him, he's alive" Daichi smiled, tears still running down his face. "Where is he?" Akaashi cried. "They found him drugged, on a park bench in the grounds of the local hospital. The police are sending transport for us now" the dark haired boy replied. Ten minutes later they were in a police van on their way to the hospital.

"Which room is Sugawara Koushi in?" Daichi shouted at the receptionist, as everyone ran into the hospital. "We've been expecting you" she replied. "He's on the second floor in room 21, a police officer is with him at the moment. "Thank you" Daichi replied as he bowed to the woman and ran towards the stairs, closely followed by the others.

The boys reached room 21 and saw 2 police officers standing guard outside. Daichi ran towards them and then stopped as the officers pulled their weapons on him. "Wait" he shouted," I'm his boyfriend." The boys stood wide eyed and panicking as the door opened and a Detective came out.

"I'm Detective Yoshida, "we've finished speaking to him, for now so you can go in." Daichi thanked him and pushed past him to get to Suga.

As soon as the boys eyes met, the silver haired boy began to sob. "It's okay, you're okay" Daichi said in a soothing voice whilst sitting on the bed next to his lover and pulling him into his arms.
"I didn't think I'd ever see any of you again" Suga cried. "You can't get rid of us that easily" Matsun laughed trying to lift the mood in the hospital room.

"Did they hurt you?" Daichi asked looking at the bandages wrapped around the boys wrists and ankles and the dried blood in his hair. "I'm okay" he said with a small forced smile, the doctor has stitched my head so I have headache but apparently that's normal with an head injury and the after effects of the drug that they used to knock me out."

All of the boys sat around the hospital bed, holding on to each other. "Have you any idea why you were taken?" Atsumu asked. "Did you get a look at who did it?"

"No" Suga replied, his eyes downcast. No one noticed the slight flinch when the question was asked other than Oikawa but he wasn't going to call out his friend in front of everyone. It could wait.

The door opened and a doctor walked in. "We're going to keep you overnight just to monitor your concussion and any after effects of the drug but you should be able to leave tomorrow." "Thank you Sir" Suga replied bowing is head. "I'm sorry but I will have to ask you all to leave though" the doctor continued. Suga looked horrified, he didn't want to be left alone and the doctor realised this. "One person can stay with you until you leave tonorrow" the man smiled and nodded. "Thank you" Daichi replied.

"Why don't you all get back to the Spa and I'll stay with Koushi while Iwa takes Daichi to the hospital cafe to get something to eat for them both and some other items that Koushi may need. We'll call a cab once he comes back" Oikawa suggested. Everyone agreed and left. "I won't be too long baby" Daichi whispered softly whilst placing a kiss on the boys forehead.

Iwa and Daichi left the room as Oikawa sat on the bed grasping his friends hand. "Did they hurt you?" Kawa asked. "They tied me to a bed" he sobbed. Kawa felt a wave of sickness wash over him, 'oh please no' he thought as he hugged his friend. "Koushi, did they sexually assault you?" the brunette asked with a look of horror on his face. "No" he replied as he heard a sigh of relief from his friend.

"I know that there's something you're not telling me. You know you can trust me" Kawa stated.

Suga looked at him, his lip quivering as he cried softly, "I know who took me and why." "Why didn't you tell the police? I know you're scared but you have to tell them, Suga"

"It was Kyo, he took me".......

**The picture above is Kyo**

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