Chapter 51

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The room was silent as everyone watched Iwaizumi pick up the shot glass and knock back the drink. "I fucking knew it" Atsumu yelled. "What are you talking about" Iwa replied. "You killed him didn't you?" the blonde asked.

Oikawa stared at his boyfriend with his mouth gaping. "What the hell are you talking about?" Iwa shrieked. "You admitted that you killed him. It's okay we all thought about it" Atsumu continued, "and we'd never give you up to the police."

"Can you tell me how I'm supposed to have done that when I was with you all and the prison is so far away?" Iwa snarled. "Did you pay someone to do it?" the blonde asked.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, "I come from a single parent family, my mom is unable to work due to an health condition and I worked three jobs to pay my way through college, I've never had an holiday and any spare cash goes to my mom. Please tell me how I managed to find the money needed to pay someone to kill that piece of shit?"

Oikawa could tell that this was getting to Iwaizumi, "that's enough Atsu. Can't you see that your upsetting him? Don't you think that he's been through enough already?"

Atsumu looked at the pair and instantly felt regret for the statements that he had made, "I'm so sorry Iwa, that was really insensitive of me. Please accept my apology" he bowed in front of the spiky haired boy.

"It's okay, let's just forget it and get back to the game" Iwa smiled. Oikawa kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "I love you" in his ear. "I love you too" he whispered back and then grabbed the bottle to spin it, it eventually came to a stop at Osamu.

"Okay bro" Iwa began, "what's the most frequent nightmare that you have?" The grey haired boy sighed loudly, "it's about Atsu."
"Aw" the blonde cooed, "do you dream that you're gonna lose me again?" " Hell no, I dream that you kicked me out of our mothers womb because I was eating all the onigiri." Everyone started laughing uncontrollably. "I can just imagine that happening" Suna chuckled.

"Okay, who's next?" Osamu said reaching for the bottle. "Okay I believe this is your question Daichi. Would you go skinny dipping with Suga?" "Holy fuck" Suga shouted as he stared at his boyfriend whilst he waited for the answer. Suga really didn't know how he would answer as the dark haired boy had always been 'very vanilla' when it came to his previous lovers. Daichi looked Suga dead in the eye and replied, "yes".

Suga jumped up and grabbed Daichi's hand and dragged him out to the hot springs, clothes flying everywhere as they undressed whilst moving.

"I guess I need to spin again" Osamu chuckled. The bottle eventually came to a halt in front of Akaashi. "Let me ask the question. Pleeeeaaase" Atsumu asked his brother. "Go for it" the grey haired boy answered.

"Akaashi, are you a virgin?" Atsumu asked as a collective gasp went around the room. The pretty setter just smirked, picked up the glass and consumed the alcohol, in one swift movement. "Not saying" he replied whilst grasping the bottle and putting it into motion.

"Kuroo, would you smash your bro?" Akaashi asked as Bokuto and Kenma paid extra attention to the answer.

"I'm assuming that you mean Bokuto?" Kuroo asked, Akaashi responding with a nod. "I mean who wouldn't, have you seen him?"

"Bro" Bokuto wailed, "I'd smash you too".....

THEY MET AT THE BEACHHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin